
September 1

Lord give us the strength of Shadrach, Meshach and Abendigo, that we would not follow the ways of the world but stand boldly and firm in our faith, especially when those around us are following the world.

September 2

Father help us to remember all that you have done in our pasts. The multitude of blessings. We are sorry as we tend to look at our pasts negatively. There are such beautiful memories You have touched us with. The birth of a child, our spouse, the healings, the provisions, the protection. There are so many. Thank You Lord, thank You.

September 3

Thank you Lord that You are not finished with us yet. We fall short so many times. Continue Your work in each of us, oh that we would surrender to Your will and not fall back to ourselves but fall into Your arms. Knowing You are fashioning us into the person you are calling us to be. Amen

September 4

Lord forgive us when we are boastful when we think we are the reason someone was “saved”. Because we are the planters of the seed and the ones who water. It is all You Lord, the Holy Spirit who saves, the only one.

September 5

Our Father, we know You have our daily bread waiting to give us. There are times we tend to think since we prayed yesterday or read our Bible three days ago or gone to church a week ago we are filled enough. What a lie it is from the pit of hell. Forgive us and remind us to come daily before You and feast on our daily bread You have prepared.

September 6

Lord we choose to listen to Your voice and choose to put into action what You ask of us to do. We choose to walk in Your ways and keep Your commands. Lord we choose You above all. Amen.

September 7

Instill a longing in our hearts for You Lord and You alone. Our flesh has cravings for the things of this world. Give us a distaste for these things and a hunger for You. You word says “Taste and see that the Lord is good”. Oh how true this is.

September 8

Lord we may not be able to control what others do to us, but we can control how we respond. Lord give us self control and wisdom when we are confronted with this. It is so easy for the flesh to respond. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen

September 9

Father we have many family and friends that are religious. Lord only You can turn them from religion to relationship. We pray in the Holy name of Jesus. Amen for their salvation.

September 10

Abba give us strength to stand still in the waiting. Give us hope to know the answer is coming. Help us to rest in knowing You are working all things out for good. In Jesus’ name we pray.

September 11

We come before You Lord and cry out Your holy name, Jesus. With arms raised to the heavens we speak the name Jesus. For Your name is the name above all names. We pray Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

September 12

Lord we know Your promises are faithful and true. Yet, we can lose hope in the midst of the waiting or in a storm. In those times we ask that You remind us that Your word never fails and You have not forgotten. In the name of Jesus we pray.

September 13

Help us Lord to keep faithful and stand firm in Your word. To be a light in the darkness that surrounds us and represent You so that we can bring you glory.

September 14

Father we know the greater is coming. Knowing this strengthens our courage and faith until Your return. With excitement and joy we wait looking to heaven. How awesome is this!

September 15

You are our mountain mover. You are the one we run to for salvation. We trust in no one or no thing to save us. Thank You Lord for saving us and choosing us to be a part of Your kingdom. This is so humbling for we do not deserve this. Amen

September 16

Jehova thank You for we know You are still healing, You are still moving, You are still parting the seas. You are still setting the captives free, You are still molding. You are still knocking, You are still saving. Thank you.

September 17

Father we pray for our children who have made the choice to follow you. We pray they remain steadfast and keep their eyes on You. This world is such an ugly place Lord and it is seeking to devour them. Thank You for being the keeper of our children.

September 18

We lift up our Pastors and their wives. Their families and their Ministry. Lord keep them from the enemy. Equip and strengthen them to remain faithful in their calling. We thank You as You have chosen them for such a time as this. In Jesus’ name we pray.

September 19

Heavenly Father, reveal to us any thing that needs to be changed in the way we think or believe that is contrary to Your word. Our desire Lord is to walk in Your ways completely. We ask in Jesus’ name.

September 20

Help us Lord to be cheerful givers. To truly surrender ourselves in this area. For all we have is from You. Oh that we would have the heart of the widow who gave all that she had. For she gave from her heart.

September 21

Father we need Your will in our lives so that we will choose obedience and our hearts changed so that we can do what is right. In the name of Jesus we pray.

September 22

Lord God giver of life. We pray right now for anyone who is planning to end the life of an unborn child, that You would intercede and convict them and surround them with godly people who are able to share with them the hope there is in You.

September 23

We need You Lord we need You. Some of us are overwhelmed and stressed beyond measure and we need your peace. We need You close Lord, to feel You beside us. To hear Your voice speak to our minds and hearts. Amen

September 24

Jesus, as You called out Peter onto the water, You have called us to do the same sort of speak in many areas in our lives. Lord give us the courage and faith that Peter had to step out. But give us the eyes that keep focused on You as we walk on the waters of our lives. In Your Holy name we pray.

September 25

Lord break our hearts for what breaks Yours. Let us not become complacent or compliant to the things of this world. Oh that tears would fall and we would be broken over the things that are going on in this world.

September 26

As we begin this new day, we pray we would seek You throughout this day. That we would not rely on ourselves but on You for every decision we need to make. We commit our thoughts and words to Your Spirit Today. Amen

September 27

Father we desperately need discernment in these times. Give us wisdom when things aren’t aligned with Your Holy Word. In Jesus name we pray.

September 28

Forgive us when we look around calling on everyone but You. Remind us to seek You first when we are in need for You are ever close to us. Amen

September 29

Thank You Lord for the godly people who have gone before us, as they have set the examples of living a godly life. Give us the strength to walk as they walked giving You glory and honor we pray in Jesus’ name.

September 30

Creator of heaven and earth, You who reign over the universe, how can it be that You chose us to love and die for? Thank You Lord for this love so great.

Marj Lancaster