
August 1

Lord God, may nothing separate us from You. Keep us from distractions from our wants, from our desires, from our thoughts that may not be aligned with Your word. We ask in Jesus’ name.

August 2

Thank You for a new day Lord. Oh that we would accept whatever comes our way today and see them all as opportunities for our growing in faith.

August 3

Revive us O Lord. Bring to our mind the days of old, when You were all that we desired, You were all that we needed. Revive us in The mighty name of our Savior Jesus.

August 4

Father as You are our Abba, we ask in the name of Jesus to help those of us who are parents to be the mother, the father that You call us to be. Give us wisdom and guidance, give us patience and understanding to train these children in Your ways.

August 5

Lord God, we lift up our eyes to the heavens for we know that our help comes from You and You alone. Remind us of this, for our eyes tend to wander and look for other ways that is not of You. Forgive us of our foolishness. In Jesus’ name we pray.

August 6

Lord You, who are the anchor of our souls, the rock of our salvation, the One who has etched us on the palms of Your hands. The immovable one, we praise You and You alone. We thank You Lord for Your faithfulness. There is no one but You who deserves our praises.

August 7

Father, You are the Lord our God, the one who fills us with unspeakable joy. The one who puts a song in our hearts that fills our cup overflowing. Oh fill our hearts with song today, help us to draw joy from Your cup no matter our circumstances, in Jesus’ name we pray.

August 8

Hear us oh Lord when the heartache fills our hearts and tears are continually falling. When we are so overwhelmed and words cannot form. May our tears and moaning be our words.

August 9

Oh Lord that we would give ourselves to prayer. If only we would truly do this, what closeness we would have with You, what transformations there would be in each of us. Forgive our complacency in our praying. Oh that we would be committed to prayer continually.

August 10

Father there can be days that we are cold and complacent. Help us Lord to live in the empowerment and strength You give to us. To be on fire for You. Revive us we pray.

August 11

Lord Your words are life to us. Oh that our words would also be life to those around us. Put a guard over our mouths that no unclean words will spill out of them. We ask in Jesus’ name.

August 12

Jehova, help us to understand that our feelings are just that, feelings. Help us not to measure anything by them. For our feelings are not always truth but perceptions. Give us wisdom Lord to decipher the difference, as it is so easy to follow our feelings.

August 13

Help us Lord to understand the importance of prayer. The importance of sitting at Your feet. The importance of reading Your word every day. We get so caught up with the schedules that take up our time and before we know it the day is gone and not one thought was placed on You. Forgive us Father. May You be the most important in our lives.

August 14

God of second chances, we come to You broken and ask for forgiveness for these sins that we keep running to. We are so thankful that YOU ARE THE GOD OF SECOND CHANCES. Amen

August 15

Heavenly Father, sustain us when we feel so lost and alone. Help us to know that You are our keeper and provider of all our needs. We do not need to fear for You hold us in Your hand

August 16

Lord we are here for You. We are here to be Your ambassadors. May we be the light and salt of this world as this world has become so dark. So that we can draw others to You.

August 17

How can it be Lord that You have chosen us to be Your people? How can it be Lord that You have chosen us the foolish, the broken, the sinful? Thank You for Your mercy and grace Lord. Thank You for loving us as we are and drawing us to You.

August 18

Today as we seek Your face Lord, we lift up our arms in surrender and say, “Here I am Lord, use me today for Your purpose and glory”.

August 19

God of Glory, we worship You. We sing praises to Your name and Your ñame alone. For no one else deserves worship, honor and praise. For You are our mighty King and Lord, You are our creator and our Father. We love You and You alone. Amen and amen

August 20

Help us Lord to leave our baggage of life’s disappointments, dissolutions and depressions that have weighed us down for too long at the foot of the cross where we will find forgiveness, peace, hope and joy. In Jesus’ name we pray.

August 21

Some of us Father have pasts that still haunt us. Pasts that You have already forgiven and yet come back to haunt us. We know that these reminders are from the enemy. We ask to strengthen us at these times and give us words to combat the enemie's taunting. In the powerful name of Jesus we ask. Amen

August 22

Thank You for the multitude of blessings You continually pour out on each one of us. There have been times Lord that You have brought us to a place that we feel so undeserving and in awe of how good You are to each one of us. May we never take for granted how much You bless us.

August 23

Lord to think that You just simply spoke and the power of Your words brought everything into existence leaves us speechless. This kind of power can move mountains and change lives. Speak the words that can change us Lord, that can change our loved ones and make us more like You, we humbly ask in Jesus’ name.

August 24

When we wake up in the morning, may these words flow from our heart: we thank You Father for keeping us through the night, we thank You Lord for this new day You created, we thank You for Your mercies are new every morning. Oh that You would be our first thought in the morning. Amen

August 25

Who is like You? No one can compare. Yet, we run to earthly things to comfort us, we run to people for answers. Oh Lord forgive us. For You are our help, You alone are our comforter, You alone are our answer.

August 26

Holy Spirit, when waves of depression come our way, when fear rises within us, when we feel as if all hope is gone, move us to run to Your word. For it is in those words that our minds and hearts are refreshed in truth, giving us clarity and restores our strength and hope. In Jesus’ name we pray.

August 27

Lord our protector, keep us from the enemy, as he strikes with his lies. Help us to keep strong in the faith. Remind us of who we are in You. Remind us of Your promises that are faithful and true. In the mighty name of Jesus we ask.

August 28

Revive us O Lord, revive us. Bring us back to that first day when we knelt before You and gave our lives to You. When all we wanted to do is serve You, share You. When we were on fire for the things of You. When Your face was all we wanted to seek. Your word was all we wanted to read. Revive us, revive us.

August 29

Lord You are incomparably loving. You have designed a plan for our lives in that same love. Oh that we would walk in that design and not follow our own foolish ways. For in Your plan there is fullness of joy, peace and hope.

August 30

There are some of us Lord that are walking in the shadows and we need You to turn us back to the light. Maybe we have walked away, or we have taken steps backwards and fallen into past sins. Lord You know each one of us. Forgive us and restore us to Yourself we ask in Jesus’ name we pray.

August 31

We cry out Holy Holy Holy are You Lord. All praise and honor are Yours and Yours alone. We raise our voices in worship and sing Your praises. We love You Lord and we kneel to no other. May these words be a sweet aroma to You our King and Lord. Amen and Amen!

Marj Lancaster