
October 1

Lord may your will be accomplished in our lives for Your purpose and glory, May we accept with joy whatever comes our way for we know in the end it will turn out for good. In Jesus’ name we pray.

October 2

Holy Spirit empower us with faith beyond measure to rest in the assurance that we are not alone. You are always where we are. You will never ever leave us or forsake us.

October 3

Lord there are some of us living with a chronic illness that causes such pain that can be unbearable at times. Lord we have prayed for healing and mercy. Help us to trust in Your purpose in the waiting. In Jesus’ name we pray.

October 4

Oh Lord what joy You have given us the moment we surrendered. What joy there is when we get to witness to a friend or family member and they accept You as their Lord and Savior! What a celebration it is!

October 5

Lord God, help us to put away the lies that we have been listening to. The lies that whisper we are not enough. For in You we are totally enough.

October 6

Father we come before Your word with reverence. For these words have proceeded out of Your mouth and they are life to us. Engrave them on our hearts and minds as we read this precious book.

October 7

Teach us to know how to bless those around us. What need can we meet or what word can be spoken in Your name to love another? Give us wisdom and discernment Lord we pray in the name of Jesus.

October 8

Lord our mental and emotional burdens can be too much to carry. They can weigh us down to a place of darkness and despair. You alone Lord can save us and free us from this. We cry out Lord help.

October 9

Father we ask that You shine a light on those areas in our lives that are not bringing You glory. Help us to see them and acknowledge them so that we can turn from them and walk in a way that brings You the utmost glory. In the name of Jesus we pray.

October 10

Oh Lord never let us feel at ease when we are not walking with You. Prick our consciences and our hearts so that we would be so uncomfortable and return to You. Forgive us Lord we pray in The name of Jesus.

October 11

All mighty God we pray, we would be reminded that as David we too can fight the giants in our lives when we stand knowing You are able and You will empower us with the weapons of warfare, for we battle in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen

October 12

Lord we ask that You walk ever so close to us today. We need Your presence, Your strength and Your hand to make it through this day. For without You we cannot walk in victory.

October 13

Sweet Jesus, just saying Your name is honey on our lips. It brings such joy, peace, hope. Your name is power. Your name is a healing ointment. We rest in Your Holy name. May Your name always be on our lips.

October 14

Thank you Lord for the ones that have gone before us. That have led the way. We can look to their walk with You and see that even in their trials, even when they may have lost hope. You were there right beside them to strengthen them. We know you will do the same for us.

October 15

Sometimes Lord we don’t even have the words to pray. Days can seem so difficult. Today we cry just one word, HELP! Help us Lord.

October 16

King of Glory, Lord of Lords. We worship You. We come and bow down before You and You alone. We lay our desires and our will at Your feet and ask that You fill us anew with Your Holy Spirit. Revive us Lord we pray on the name of Jesus.

October 17

Father in Your word, it says you will rejoice and sing over us. What a beautiful picture of a father’s love for his children. Lord thank You for the love You give to each one of us.

October 18

Father, we your children ask that you help us not to look back at those sins in our past that may still entice us. Those sins that we have been set free from. Help us to keep our eyes on You and to the hope ahead. In Jesus’ name we pray.

October 19

The Great I Am, take the reins of our lives and lead us moment by moment. As you did with Your people in the dessert. Show us the way Lord. Show us the way to live a life of true godliness. We ask in Jesus’ name.

October 20

Thank You for covering us in Your love so completely. We are undone in Your presence. We love You and rest in You, our Faithful Father.

October 21

Shepherd of our lives, lead us and we will follow You whereever You take us. We will listen for Your voice as we go about our day today. We will grab hold of Your wisdom and we will walk in it.

October 22

Lord help us to look at others through the lens of the love You have for them. We so easily can pass judgement on others by looking at the outward. Change us Lord, to have Your eyes and Your heart. We ask in Jesus’ name.

October 23

Holy Spirit bring comfort to those of us who are hurting, bring healing to those of us that are sick, bring peace for those of us that are overwhelmed. Pour out Your Spirit upon us as we need Your touch. We need to feel Your presence.

October 24

Sweet Jesus, thank You for never giving up on us. You kept knocking. You kept calling. You kept reaching out for us. You kept loving us. Even though we were yet sinners. Thank You for Your continual mercies.

October 25

Lord Jesus, open our understanding to Your word. Open our minds to receive Your teaching. Etch Your word on our hearts and minds that they would never depart from us, for they are life to us.

October 26

Holy Spirit fill us with the discernment; we need to see the difference between the godly and the ungodly. That we would always choose Your will and Your way. In the name of Jesus we pray.

October 27

Thank You for setting us free. Thank You that we are no longer bound to anything that keeps us from You. You have opened Your arms and welcomed us into Your love.

October 28

Lord we invite Your presence to minister to us. We turn our eyes to You as You are our ever present help. We know You are our comforter and our peace. Allow us to feel Your loving arms wrapped around us we pray.

October 29

Light of our lives, we depend on You to light our way today. Oh that we would walk in Your truth and live in Your light today and always.

October 30

Help us Lord to be mindful of the choices we make. Remind us Lord that the choices we make can affect others. Give us wisdom and clarity of mind to know what to do.

October 31

Father we so falter at times when it comes to trusting You. Forgive us when we lean on our own understanding instead of fully trusting You, as if we know better than You. We believe You are faithful and You will never fail us. Amen

Marj Lancaster