Welcome To Calvary Old Bridge


Did you know that Jesus Christ LOVES the church?

It’s true! The Bible says that Jesus loves the church, and gave Himself for her! That’s why at Calvary Chapel, we are fully committed to worshiping the one who gave Himself for us.

We seek to know Him through the study of His Word, to worship Him through music, and to be His hands and feet as we serve and give.

Our services begin and end with a time of singing unto the Lord. At the heart of our services is the teaching of God’s Word. We place a strong emphasis on teaching the Bible verse-by-verse, chapter-by-chapter, book-by-book to give the truest sense of God’s message to us.

When you visit Calvary Chapel, you will find that we have a specially-designed facility and dedicated teachers who teach your children during each of our services. This way, as you enter our auditorium, you can rest assured that your children are learning the Word of God at their level of understanding. 

Most of all, we want to work to connect you to God and His family. The church is not a building, it’s a group of people who love the Lord together. We pray that you will come out to CCOB and meet with God and His family.

- Lloyd Pulley, Senior Pastor



At CCOB, we look to make every part of arriving to church simple so you can just focus on Jesus. That’s why we have our friendly team of Ushers directing traffic at every service. As you come down White Oak Lane, you’ll be met with a smile and some direction about where to park. We use various parking lots on our street and their directions will help you and your fellow churchgoers park as quickly as possible.


About Children's Ministry


My name is Pastor Brien Dunphy, the Family Pastor here at Calvary Old Bridge. As a father of nine children myself, Children’s Ministry has been an integral part of my family’s life ever since my wife and I began attending here in 1998, and began serving in Children’s in 1999.

Coming into a church this large can be overwhelming; coming in with your children can be intimidating. You likely have questions about safety, training, teachers, and bible lessons. My hope is to answer all those questions for you right now.

It is our strong conviction that Children’s Church is NOT babysitting, but rather “Children’s Church.” Our aim is to provide your children with the opportunity to worship the Lord and learn His Word just like the adults do in the Main Auditorium. For this reason, we ask that children (infants through 5th grade) attend their church as opposed to the Main Sanctuary.


Safety is the most critical and focused upon aspect of our Children’s Ministry. Our ministry begins in the Nursery (infant to 2 year olds) and spans through “Children’s Church” (3 year olds through 5th grade).

Background Checks & Interviews

Every servant in the Children’s Ministry undergoes a thorough background check. Each servant also must go through a face-to-face interview with a Pastor or Elder. Our goal in these measures is to ensure there is nothing in a servant’s past which would disqualify them from serving with children as well as discover if they have the proper gifting to serve your little ones with the grace and gentleness God would desire.

Registration/Sign-in – Single Point of Entry

We also care for your children’s physical safety through a streamlined “single point of entry” electronic registration and sign-in procedure. This allows for two additional safety measures. First, “single point of entry” into the Children’s Ministry gives our leaders the opportunity to see each and every child and adult entering the area which helps us be alert to any potentially suspicious or dangerous behavior. Second, our Children’s Ministry is consistently patrolled by plain clothes police officers in order to respond in the event of a crisis or emergency.


We also look out for your children’s safety with regards to protecting their health. Sick children are politely turned away from signing in to prevent the spread of illness. We also require that all children wash their hands with the provided antibacterial wipes at every classroom to further protect from illness.



Upon signing into their class, children will either begin a craft or coloring sheet which is relevant to the main lesson they will be taught that day. Soon after their beginning activity, children are all brought together to worship the Lord in song. The worship is always right at the Children’s level and allows them to both learn about Jesus and enjoy praising God. After worship, the children have their bible lesson time.

Ages 3-5: God made me, God loves me, Jesus is my friend

For kids ages 3-5, their lesson comes from the “Orange” curriculum from the ReThink Group. The lessons take the little ones through the major points of the Bible making special emphasis of laying a three point foundation: 1) God made me 2) God loves me 3) Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Ultimately, the purpose of laying this foundation is to prepare the children for their next set of lessons upon graduating to 1st grade.

1st-4th Grade: Scripture Knowledge – Genesis-Revelation

The children in 1st-4th grade use a through the Bible curriculum with Answers in Genesis. This program takes the children from Genesis through Revelation giving them the scripture knowledge they need to hide in their heart, while also providing apologetics so they can defend their faith as well.

5th-8th Grade: Theology - Salvation, Sin, Redemption, etc.

Once the children graduate to 5th grade, they spend the year learning systematic theology. Each week they cover a different, practical theological topic taught at their level. The children learn about salvation, sin, redemption, the power of the Holy Spirit, and more. We find this 5th grade year provides the perfect capstone to the previous learning they have acquired from 3years old through 4th grade.

Ultimately, we recognize your children belong to you and to the Lord. They are merely “on loan” to us during the service time. While we focus on make the most of the 90 minute service we get with your children, we also look to equip parents in their role of spiritual development with their kids. To do that, the children leave their classes with small descriptions of the lesson they covered as well as discussion questions and memory verse for mom and dad to go over with them.

It truly is our joy to bless your little ones. As such, we work hard to provide a place that is safe, clean, and enjoyable for children to spend their church time.

If you have any questions about this, or any other aspect of Children’s ministry, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, Pastor Brien, at family@ccob.org.

God bless you and we look forward to your children joining us!!!


Children’s Ministry: Let the Little Children Come to Me

The Vision: To give children ages 3 – 12 years old a knowledge and passion for the Word of God so that they would grow to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind, and strength.


Beyond Limits: Special Needs Ministry

The Vision: To allow children with special needs to experience the joy and peace of knowing they are of value to God and God’s people. Children will be paired with a “best buddy” who will stay with them throughout the service and help the child grow in their relationship with the Lord.

Open To: Children with special needs as well as adults interested in teaching children with special needs during services.


AWANA: Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed

The Vision: The AWANA Club’s mission is to “reach boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him.”

Open To: Children 3 years old through 6th grade.

Meets When: During Saturday evening service.

Home Education Group (HEG):  Fellowship for Homeschooling Families

The Vision: To serve as a support system inside the church that compliments the instruction and training happening in the home through practical guidance, resources, and fellowship for families that homeschool.


Caring for His Children: Adoption & Foster Care Ministry

The Vision: To act as a liaison between the body of Christ and foster care & adoption agencies; to support participating families and to help families who are considering adoption or foster care to navigate through this sometimes difficult process with advice, contacts, and most of all prayer. James 1:27


Youth Groups


Visit the websites below to find the one(s) best suited to serve you and/or your family.


At Calvary Chapel Old Bridge, safety is one of our highest priorities. To ensure the security of all who attend, our Security Ministry is active at every one of our services. Made up of plain-clothes and retired law enforcement officers, our Security Team patrols the entire church to ensure everything is safe. Through their service, we are able to spot security threats before they become problems and provide a safe experience for everyone to receive from and worship God.


Counseling / Pastoral Care

Biblical Counseling: Applying God’s Word

The Vision: To focus on an individual’s heart and relationship with God – without minimizing someone’s circumstances or compromising the truth of God’s Word in order to bring comfort and maturity.