
November 1

Lord help us to be aware when the enemy is lurking. Give us discernment as he is covered in sheep’s clothing and we can be blinded of his schemes. In Jesus’ name we pray.

November 2

Father we acknowledge that we are sinners and know that it is through Jesus Christ alone can we be saved. Thank You for this gift of forgiveness and salvation.

November 3

Forgive us Lord when we begin our day without You. Forgive us when the first thoughts in our mind are what we need to do. Incline our thoughts to You as we begin our day. May our words be that of gratitude and surrender.

November 4

We come before You today Lord and ask for Your help to guide us. That not one step would be of our own will but Yours alone. In the name of Jesus we pray.

November 5

Father we cry out to You for the salvation of our spouses, our children our grandchildren. We pray Lord that a revival begin in our families. Remove the hardness of hearts and the blinders so that they will come to the throne of grace.

November 6

Heavenly Father we know You hear our prayers. We know that You care for those things we care about. We know You have the perfect time to answer. We rest in these truths in the waiting. Amen

November 7

Lord of Life, we commit our lives to You. For it is You who breathe life into us. You have our days numbered. We rest in the assurance that You have our lives written in Your book and when this life ends our new life begins with You… Glory Hallelujah!

November 8

May we never take for granted the gift of salvation. That we would fully understand the cost that was paid for this gift, it was a price of the precious blood of Jesus, the highest price. Thank You Lord.

November 9

Lord may our lives reflect Your word and be a testament to our covenant with You. That we would stand fast and not waver. Amen

November 10

Lord when we sin and unbelievers have seen and are quick to accuse, Oh Lord forgive us and let not what we have done cause them to deny You.

November 11

Father we lift up our churches as some are still fighting the good fight and some are battle worn. These times are hard. Revive us Lord for the war is not over. Strengthen us as one body to come together in agreement to carry each others burdens. In Jesus’ name we pray.

November 12

Lord God we need healing in this land. We need hope in this land. We need YOU God, we need You. Please don’t turn Your face away. Have mercy Lord have mercy. Amen

November 13

Our Jesus, precious Savior we praise You and honor You. We give You thanks for all that You do for us. We raise our hands and hearts to You. For You alone are worthy.

November 14

When our our nights become sleepless due to worry and fears. Meet us Lord. Draws us to Your word that’ll bring us peace and comfort. Draw us to Your arms, that’ll give us tranquillity. In the precious name of Jesus.

November 15

Jehova Shalom, our peace, Our Sanctuary. We come and rest in Your presence. This world has overwhelmed us. Carry us Lord, carry us as we are tired and weary.

November 16

Lord we know that You have appointed our government to rule. We lift up those in office from councilmen to president. We pray Lord that Your will be done. We ask that You have mercy on this nation and protect Your people. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen

November 17

Lord of comfort we lift up those who are mourning and ask that You strengthen them to walk through this heartache. May they reach out to You for comfort. In the name of Jesus we pray.

November 18

Lord of Hosts we come before You and pray for Israel. We pray for her peace and protection. Encamp Your angels around her. We ask in Your Holy name. Amen

November 19

Heavenly Father there are those of us who are our parents caretakers. Lord help us to come alongside them with a loving compassionate servants heart. Oh that we would have Your heart in caring for them. In the name of Jesus we pray.

November 20

Blessed Lord forgive us our multitude of sins. We confess those things that we think are small or insignificant sins. Save us from those and help us to overcome them and be set free in the name of Jesus.

November 21

Help us to grab hold of Your hand and hear Your still small voice whispering, “I forgive you” when we have sinned and feel so unworthy.

November 22

To be in Your presence there is peace and a stillness of mind. To be in Your presence Lord there is freedom from fear. To be in Your presence there is Hope.

November 23

Lord You have given each of us gifts to be used for Your purpose and glory. Help us Lord to be mindful of these gifts and not neglect the moving of Your Spirit. Amen

November 24

Our Father forgive us when we put our trust in our bank accounts or in people or even in our own abilities. Oh Lord how foolish we are. For only when we put our hope in You there is no fear. Amen and Amen

November 25

Jesus You said to come and follow You, for You know those that we follow will have influence over us. We choose to follow You and You alone. We pray Lord for help to keep walking following You as this world tries to entice us in different ways, leading us away from You. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen

November 26

Father forgive us when we have turned our time in reading Your word or praying into something ritualistic. Revive, renew and refresh our relationship as it was when we first tasted and saw that You are good. Bring us back to our first love… You.

November 27

Thank You Lord for putting boundaries around us. For the hedges of protection that keep us. Thank You that You keep each and everyone one of us today and always.

November 28

Your power O God is limitless; so hard to comprehend. There are so many of Your attributes Lord that strike us with such awe and wonder. Who can be in Your presence? You are the All mighty. You are our Lord, Savior and King and even still our ABBA.

November 29

Our prayer Lord is that our words will always be a blessing to You. That we would be mindful of what flows out of our mouths.

November 30

As we get older Lord we can feel useless, or we just want to give up. Lord break those thoughts and feelings that are lies. Remind us that our work here is never done until we are face to face with You. Amen

Marj Lancaster