
December 1

Lord when Satan shoots those fiery arrows, remind us to run to You. It is with You we can extinguish those arrows from the enemy for You will remove us from their path. We ask in the most powerful name Jesus.

December 2

Lord of all, when we want to give up on praying because we have not seen an answer, strengthen our faith and our will to continue seeking Your face for we know You are always faithful.

December 3

Oh God when the weight of our burdens have overcome us and we have lost our way, woo us back Lord. Woo us back into the sweet fellowship with You.

December 4

Holy Father pour Your Holy Spirit upon us and revive us. Restore the joy of our salvation. We ask in Jesus’ name.

December 5

In Your presence Lord we find our home. In Your presence we find peace and joy. In Your presence is where we want to remain. Help us Lord to never step away.

December 6

So many times Lord we foolishly try to take care of everything on our own. We can make such messes of our lives. Thank you for coming and turning our lives into beauty from ashes.

December 7

Speak Your powerful words into our lives Lord. Speak Your truth into our hearts. Speak Your precious love into our hearts and speak Your wisdom into our minds. For these are our strength. In Jesus’ name we pray.

December 8

Father God, thank You that Your faithfulness and love for us has no end, that nothing is impossible for You, and that nothing can snatch us away from You. Amen and Amen

December 9

Make us aware Lord of those around us that are in need. Give us generous hearts to bless them with that which has been given to us. In the name of Jesus we pray.

December 10

Keeper of our salvation strengthen us to walk according to Your word. Filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Shining the light of Christ to this dark world.

December 11

Lord you are our confidence. It is in You we put our hope and trust in. Oh that we would not waver from our belief. Keep us Lord with Your mighty hand. In Jesus’ name we pray.

December 12

Holy Spirit we rely on Your help today for our strength and wisdom for without You we can not be. Come Holy Spirit come. Amen

December 13

Everything we need is found in You Jesus. We do not need or want for anything or anyone else. For there is complete fullness in You and You alone.

December 14

Father some of us are hurting so deeply, our hearts crushed by someone we love. We are having a hard time to forgive. Help us Lord to forgive for we know You have forgiven us our multitude of sins. We need to forgive as well.

December 15

Lord we pray come quickly. The days here on earth are full of such darkness. Full of evil. It becomes so hard to be a light in such a place. Lift us up and strengthen us until your return. In Jesus’ name we pray.

December 16

Lord, You are our refuge, our EVER-PRESENT help, and the lifter of our heads. Thank You for all Your love and care. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen

December 17

Jehova Jireh our provider. You not only provide us with our needs, but You provide us with peace that surpasses all our understanding. You provide us with strength and courage. You provide us with healing. Thank you for ALL your provisions. Amen

December 18

Lord You remind us not to fear so many times in Your word. Yet, we still can be gripped by it. Lord forgive us for not trusting You, for giving more power to fear than to You. For You are greater than any of our fears. We ask in the mighty name of Jesus.

December 19

Lord we look around and see such perverse things happening in our school systems. Protect our children that are in these schools, schools that have allowed such things that are so ungodly. In Jesus’ name we pray.

December 20

Open our eyes Lord to see the sin in our lives. Forgive us if we’ve made light of them, or have made excuses for them. We confess them now Lord and ask for Your forgiveness. In the name of Jesus we pray.

December 21

Keeper of our doors, watch over our homes. Protect us and keep us. Let no evil come in. For we proclaim, “For me and my house we WILL serve You”. In Jesus’ name we pray.

December 22

Father accept our praises of worship as we want to give You all the honor all the praise. For there is none like You. You are the Lord of Lords, King of Kings. Savior and mighty God. We kneel before You in reverence. We love You Father.

December 23

Father help us to trust You in those moments of the “why not me Lord”. Moments when we see others healed, and we are not or when another person gets the promotion and we have not. When another’s child or spouse gets saved, and we have been praying for ours for years. Lord please forgive us for being envious and not trusting in Your will and timing. In Jesus’ name we pray.

December 24

Lord we rejoice in Your presence and give thanks for You are such a good good Father. We praise Your Holy name. We honor and adore You and You alone, for You are worthy of ALL PRAISE.

December 25

Jesus, You are the gift to this world that the Father sent to save us. Lord our gift to You in return are our surrendered hearts. We lift up our hands, hearts and voices and worship You.

December 26

Jehovah Shammah, how wonderful it is to know that You are here. You never walk away. You are always with us. We never need to fear that we are alone, no matter where we are. Thank you Lord.

December 27

We come before You Lord in desperation. We ask for Your peace to come upon us. We pray for Your hand on our nation. Have mercy Lord and forgive us as we as a nation have fallen away. We pray in the name of Jesus.

December 28

When troubles come our way Lord help us to be filled with faith. Please give us the strength to be able to say like Job, “The Lord giveth the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord”. In Jesus’ name we pray.

December 29

Jesus show us how we can serve You. Lead us to the area of ministry You want us to be involved in. Remove any fears we may have to step out in faith and follow the calling you have placed on our hearts.

December 30

As we are about to begin a new year Lord, we ask that You give our Pastors a vision for the new year. Strengthen them for all that You are going to give them and show them the way. Bless each one Lord. We ask in Jesus’ name.

December 31

Lord we’ve come to the end of this year and we want to give You thanks for all Your blessings, all Your mercies, all your love You have poured out upon us. You have been ever faithful in keeping us. Not once have You left us. Oh Lord may this new year bring us closer to You and be the year our loved ones will be saved. In the Holy mighty name of Jesus we pray.

Marj Lancaster