
May 1

Lord Jesus, take away whatever hinders us from communion with You. Any ungodly desires or thoughts. Any selfish ways that are still a part of us. In Your precious name.

May 2

Father let nothing separate us from You. Help us to stay close to You today and not go after the things of this world.

May 3

Lord we pray for healing. Healing of our bodies. So many of us feel like the woman who touched the hem of Your garment. Years of sickness. Oh may our words of prayer be as the hand that reached out and touched You. We ask in Jesus’ name.

May 4

Father, thank You for always speaking to us. May our ears be quick to listen and our hearts be open to Your commands. Help us Lord for we fall so short. In the name of Jesus we pray.

May 5

Father quicken our minds, that the first thing in the morning is to have our minds fixed on You. For we can so easily wake up with the list of to-dos. To give You thanks for a new day. To praise You and glorify You with our love praise and gratitude. Amen

May 6

Lord, our Shelter, thank You for loving us so much! You have promised that if we seek You we will find You. Teach us to rest ourselves in You. Reveal Yourself to us in the ordinary day to day lives. Help us understand who You are and Your plan for us. In You, we put all our trust. AMEN.

May 7

Heavenly Father, we pray in Jesus’ name that You help us understand the importance of spending time with You. For we know that the more time we spend with You the more we are like You and the more others will see You in us. Amen

May 8

Our Lord and Savior oh how we need You. We can not live this life without You. Help us to remember this for there are times we can forget this and try doing life on our own, which ends up in a mess. Thank You that You always are there waiting for us to come back to our senses.

May 9

Lord we pray that wherever we are whether in our car, at school, work, or waiting for a doctor’s appointment, when our prayers are whispered. Oh that we would we feel Your presence as You hear our prayers.

May 10

Oh sweet Lord help us to remove the clutter that is in our lives. That take up space in our minds, that uses up our time away from You. Help us to clean our houses so that we would be able to hear You.

May 11

Good good Father, we thank You through the trials, because we know Your mercies are greater and these things are for our own good for in these times we draw closer to You.

May 12

Lord forgive us when we allow telephones, televisions, people distract us from spending time with You. Oh that we would make You our priority today. In Jesus’ name we pray.

May 13

Lord what can we bring to Your throne today? How can we approach You for we are sinful people. We humbly come and thank You for Your goodness, mercy and grace. For You sent Your beloved son to die for our sins so that we could have fellowship with You. This is too great to understand. Thank You Thank You

May 14

Lord to be in Your will is our joy, to walk in Your ways is our peace, to stand in Your presence is our hope. May we want nothing more. Amen

May 15

Father help us to be aware of Your presence when we worship. That we would truly understand that when we worship, we would know before whom we stand. For You are a Holy God.

May 16

Oh Lord when we come to You in prayer and say our Amen’s help us to rely on You, to rest in the waiting. Oh to trust You and be at peace as we sit still, for You are faithful.

May 17

Precious Father, we ask that You occupy our whole heart and our whole minds. That there would be room for nothing else.

May 18

Lord forgive us when we walk around grumbling, complaining. We forget we have the victory through You. We forget whose child we are. We tend to lessen Your mighty arm. Oh that our minds would continually be on You. Grant us this we pray in Jesus’s name.

May 19

In the powerful name of Jesus we pray that we would put to death this flesh and be set free of these desires that wage war within us Lord. Give us the empowerment to resist the devil that he may flee.

May 20

Thank You our precious Savior for the love You’ve given to us, through the sacrifice You made on that cross. Thank You for You have never left our side on the easy days or on the difficult days. Without You we could not live. We praise You and give You thanks.

May 21

Lord there are those of us who are losing heart. This world is so lost. Help us Lord not to grow weary. Keep us as we pray and strengthen us not to give up. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray.

May 22

Lord God we want to grow. Grow more in love with You. Grow in our faith. Grow in wisdom and knowledge of Your word. This is our desire Lord.

May 23

Father You know intimately our loved ones whom we have been praying for. We ask for Your mercy and call them as Your own. Lord that You would save each one. We ask in Jesus’ name.

May 24

Change our hearts oh Lord, remove any hardness and ugliness that has crept in. Make us more like You sweet Jesus.

May 25

Thank You Lord for taking our burdens, our sorrows, our pains, for using them to draw us closer to You. For using them to help us grow.

May 26

Almighty God, with all the craziness going on in this world, we ask that You give us eyes that are stayed on You. Remove the fears that can get a hold of us. Make us a people that calls out to You and not give in to our own thoughts. We ask in Jesus’ name.

May 27

Father we ask in the name of Jesus to protect our children that are in the public school system. Cover their ears and eyes from seeing and hearing things they shouldn’t. Give them wisdom and discernment to chose right from wrong. Make them a light to those around them.

May 28

Lord in Your presence there is fullness of joy. This is where we desire to remain. Oh that we would be firmly planted and not be moved. Keep us Lord from being enticed by those things that we think may give us joy. For true joy is only found in You.

May 29

Abba. When the nights are long and we can’t seem to sleep in peace as our minds are thinking about the going ons in our lives that trouble us. Cradle us Father in Your loving arms where there is rest and peace. In Jesus’ name we pray.

May 30

Almighty Father, the creator of all things. We praise You for the beauty of Your creation that surrounds us. From majestic mountains to the tiniest of insects. The heavenly galaxies to the grains of sand. These are just a small glimpse of Your power. We praise Your awesomeness.

May 31

Lord giver of life. You have made each one of us perfectly unique, and we are beautifully and wonderfully made. You have formed us from our mother’s womb. Each with our own purpose and gifts. Oh that we would take up these gifts and boldly use them for Your kingdom. Amen

Marj Lancaster