
June 1

Our Father we know You have a calling, a plan and a purpose for our lives. Strengthen us to walk in faith as You guide us through this journey. That we would not be fearful of the unknown but be at peace knowing it is Your hand that is guiding us. In Jesus’ name we pray.

June 2

Lord such love You have given us, that You adopted us, for we were spiritually orphaned and You signed those adoption papers with the blood of Jesus Christ. We are now Your children and we call You our Abba. Thank You Lord, thank You.

June 3

Lord help us to be courageous and to be strong through the various ways Satan attacks us. Help us Lord to stand firm fully equipped with Your Armor. For You are for us, who can be against us.

June 4

Father fill our mouths with words of encouragement and prayer for those You have placed in our paths that need a word that will lift them up or prayer that will fill them. In Jesus’ name we pray.

June 5

Lord of heaven and earth, You who breathed life into each of us and have written our days in Your book, give us wisdom to know where we should walk. To lean on You and You alone for direction for our lives. In Jesus’ name we pray.

June 6

Father help us to fight the good fight. Remind us that with the armor You have provided we can beat the enemy. We have Victory in You for when the final round is over it is in Your presence we will be and oh what a prize that will be.

June 7

El Roi, You are the God who sees. You see when we are in great sorrow; You always provide comfort and peace. Sometimes we are so deep in our sorrow we fail to see Your arm around us. Open our eyes Lord to see Your provisions. In Jesus’ name we pray.

June 8

Lord we humbly come to the cross with our baggage of sins, we ask for Your mercy to forgive us. Oh that we would truly turn away from these. Some of these sins seem to have a stronghold on us. Lord set us free from them. We ask in the mighty name of Jesus.

June 9

Our Father, remind us to stand in You, that without Your strength in us we can do nothing. For in You we breathe and have life. In You is where we can draw the empowerment we need to walk this journey called life. Thank You Lord.

June 10

Lord we know that You are here to rescue us from giving up on hope. You know each one of us that are discouraged. Lord remind us daily that YOU ARE our hope. We don’t need anything or anyone else. Amen

June 11

Thank You that You hear our prayers. That You never turn turn away. You are near to us no matter where we are.

June 12

Oh that we would live our lives in a way that would cause others to want to know You. Empower us Lord to walk in Your likeness and light. In Jesus’ name we pray.

June 13

Lord the giver of life, we pray that we would put away anything that hinders us from sharing Your word. Oh that we would not care what others would think of us. Make us bold and courageous. That we would redeem the time. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen

June 14

Jehova Shalom, life can be so troublesome. May Your peace, the peace that surpasses all understanding that is only known through the Prince of Peace, fill us today. In the name of Jesus. Amen

June 15

Lord, when we need wisdom, we ask that You grant us sound minds that are focused on You and You alone, in line with Your word. Amen

June 16

Thank You mighty God for Your multiple blessings You’ve poured out on us. Let us not take anything for granted. Give us grateful hearts so that we will be grateful for all things. In Jesus’ name we pray.

June 17

Father we lift Your name as Your name is above all names. We praise You and You alone for You are Our God. We love You Lord and give You all the honor and praise today and always.

June 18

Jehova Rafa we lift our brokenness to You, we lift up our illnesses to You. We pray for Your healing hand to touch us for we know You are able, but we also know Lord that You are Soveriegn and our lives are in Your hands and everything has a purpose.

June 19

Hear us O Lord as we cry out to You. We pray for our children who are walking with You. We pray for their keeping. It isn’t easy to say no to the things of this world, to stand separate. So we ask that You strengthen them and empower them to stand firm in the mighty name of Jesus.

June 20

Thank You Lord for the many times You have rescued us. The times we didn’t even know it. For You have never left our side. You remain faithful always.

June 21

Father there is so much we don’t know. So many mysteries that have yet to be unfolded. Help us to not doubt or fear or question for You have all the answers we are looking for and in this we take comfort and peace.

June 22

Jehova remind us that nothing we have belongs to us. For everything we have is Yours. We ask that You show us how we can use the resources You have blessed us with to bless others. In the name of Jesus we pray.

June 23

Lord make us strong in a world that can makes us feel weak. May we be bold to stand up for what is right in the power of Your Holy Spirit.

June 24

Examine our hearts Lord and show us if there is anything that displeases You. Remind us that You are Holy and sin is sin. Break our hearts over our sins that we would truly repent and be cleansed from all unrighteousness.

June 25

As we look around at what is happening in this world, reassure us Lord that You are keeping us. Just as You have before. Calm our fears of the future and replace it with utter trust in You for You hold our future in Your hands. Amen

June 26

Today we cry out… Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. The most beautiful name, the name above all names.

June 27

We worship You in the beauty of Your holiness and bow down before You in reverent praise, for You alone are worthy to receive all honour and glory and praise and blessing and worship. Amen and amen

June 28

Oh Lord open our mouths and we will praise You forever. For You deserve all the honor and glory. We raise our hands to You and glorify Your name.

June 29

Father, take us deeper in our prayer life and in intimacy with You. Help us to walk in Your light and holiness. We want to know You more and grow more in love with You.

June 30

Father, we thank You for every good and perfect gift that You have given to us in Jesus Christ. Thank You for Your grace and the gift of salvation by faith. We thank You that Jesus Christ is in each of us who believe. He is the Author and Finisher of faith. Amen

Marj Lancaster