
April 1

Lord adjust our eyes to see You in our storms, to see You in our pain. Remind us You are in the midst of these and have not left us alone. In the name of Jesus we pray.

April 2

Oh that worship and praise would be on our lips continually. For this is what we want to do to honor You.

April 3

Lord we stand on Your promises for You are faithful and true. You have never failed us. Every promise is true and we can trust You for them. Thank You Lord.

April 4

Father, thank You for loving us unconditionally. Forgive us when we fail to love others in the same way. Give us eyes to see the needs of those around us and show us how to meet those needs in a way that pleases You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

April 5

Lord remind us that everything we have is Yours. Give us cheerful hearts when we give back to You in our tithes and offerings. May we do so generously. In gratitude for what You’ve done for us. Amen

April 6

Father God, we want to demonstrate integrity and purity in our thoughts and actions. For those of us who are surrounded by children remind us that they are looking to us and we are to represent You in our walk.

April 7

Lord, help us to say “no” to ungodly desires. Help us Lord for we are Your children and we desire to be Christ Like. Give us the empowerment by the Holy Spirit to deny this flesh.

April 8

Lord forgive us when we think we know it all and we don’t consider what Your word says about certain situations, incline our minds to go to You first before making decisions. For without You we can do no good thing.

April 9

Jehova there is none like You. May we honor You in all that we do and say. May we worship You in Spirit and Truth.

April 10

Lord our minds are prone to wander; please forgive us when our thoughts wander away from You, and help us to take our thoughts captive and place them under the subjection of the Hoy Spirit. In Jesus name we pray.

April 11

Heavenly Father do not give us those things we’ve asked for that is not in Your will. Oh that our prayers would be inline to Your will and not our selfish desires. For You Lord know exactly what is best for us.

April 12

Lord we pray for our Pastors and Elders; we ask for their keeping, empower them Lord to keep steadfast in their walk with You. May nothing separate them from You. Thank You for these Shepherds You have given us to show us the way. Bless them Lord. We ask in Jesus’ name.

April 13

Help us Father to live in the reality that the hope we have is real, that Your Word is true and that You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Amen and amen.

April 14

Lord May we be quick to look at ourselves before looking at others and how they are living. Place a mirror before our eyes and show us those sins that we don’t see or want to see. Oh that we would be made clean.

April 15

Our Lord let it be that in spite of our health, finances or relationships that we would glorify and worship You no matter what is going in in our lives.

April 16

Lord when we see a multitude of trials in our lives help us also to see the loaves and fish You provide in these trials. In Jesus’ name we pray.

April 17

Our Lord, remove any jealousies we may have in our hearts over what others may have. Help us to be satisfied and content with what we are given. Oh that we would put to death the desires of the flesh that ensnares us. In Jesus’ Holy Name we pray.

April 18

Abba, we pray when someone hurts us we would not let bitterness or even hatred take hold of our hearts, but that we would forgive wholeheartedly, for this is Your will. Instead fill us with peace. We ask in Jesus’ name.

April 19

Father help us to be quick to hear and slow to speak. Quicken our hearts to be more of a listener when someone needs a friend, help us to keep our opinions to ourselves and incline our hearts to hear Your voice and direct them to You.

April 20

Lord as You shut the mouths of lions and rescued Daniel we ask that You do the same in our lives as there are lions roaring around us that want to cause us harm. You know each of our lions and we know You are greater and You are able. Amen and Amen.

April 21

Lord we know when we are spending time with the You our lives will bear fruit. When we are in Your word it is like a light that shines and it reveals those things that hinder our walk with You. Prune those things Lord, remove them so that we would be a joy to You.

April 22

Jesus, You are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Those promises You gave in the Old Testament and the New Testament are ours today. Oh that we would cling to Your Words of promise, we would be set free of worries and anxieties. Amen and amen.

April 23

Our Mighty God who reigns forever. Holy is Your name. We adore You and praise You and You alone. You are the great I AM and we bow to no one else. We love You Lord and worship You. There is no one like You, our God, our Savior our Redeemer.

April 24

Holy Spirit reveal to us our own personal gifts You’ve given to us. Give us boldness to use them. Give us faith to move in them. Help us to rest in You knowing we can do nothing without You and Your moving in us. May we give You the glory in all that we do and say. In Jesus name.

April 25

Lord we know that nothing is hid from You even though we may try to hide our ugly sins. Lord forgive us from trying to keep things from You. Our flesh may want to desire to hold onto them, but we ask in Your grace and mercy to forgive us and empower us to be free from them. In the mighty name of Jesus we pray.

April 26

Lord You are our refuge and our resting place. It is to You and You alone do we run to. For it is there we find peace and comfort.

April 27

Father Let everything in our lives be according to Your will not ours, even if this means having to go through tribulation, fear, and need. For in the end You will fulfill Your purpose in our lives, and that will always be good. In the name of Jesus we pray.

April 28

Our precious Lord, we invite You into our homes and we ask that You bless these places where we dwell. May Your presence be evident. May there be Your sweet fragrance within these walls. That all that enter will know that these homes have been dedicated to You.

April 29

Lord God help us not to mirror this world. Remove the desires that pull at our flesh. That we would live godly lives that are Holy and pleasing to You. For this is our desire.

April 30

Lord be our eyes today to see the beauty You’ve created around us. Be our heart that we may love as You do. Be our hands that we would serve with kindness and generosity. Be our ears to listen with patience and understanding. Be our mouths that we make speak truthfully seasoned with grace and mercy. We ask these things in Your holy name. Amen

Marj Lancaster