
March 1

Father raise up a people that is on fire for You. May we be counted as those people, fervent in our walk with You. Amen

March 2

Lord Your word says to come to You, all who are weary and heavily burdened, and You will give us rest. Oh that we would truly believe this, for wherever You are there is rest. Amen

March 3

When we turn to You the Almighty God and trust that You are the Most High, then we can dwell and find shelter experiencing the peace and comfort that only comes from You. We give You thanks for that peace.

March 4

Oh we wait anxiously Lord for Your return. Your bride says come. Come quickly. May we be ready with our lamps full of oil. Amen

March 5

Lord, take from us everything that would hinder our communion with You, Any desire that might hamper us in prayer please remove, we pray in Jesus’ name.

March 6

Lord we thank You for keeping us to this day and for never letting us go. We know You will keep us until we see You face to face.

March 7

Our previous Savior, we come just as we are, this is how we came at first, and this is how we come still, with all our failures, with all our transgressions. Yet You still receive us and forgive us. Thank You for Your unending mercies and forgiveness.

March 8

Lord our God, we want to be a people who stands firm and trusts in You wholeheartedly. We want to be unshakable and strong but this can only happen by depending on You and trusting You. May this be so in our lives in Jesus’ name we pray.

March 9

Father, thank You for hope. Thank You for its light in the darkness. Thank You that no matter how dark the night, You are with us, You are always with us. Amen

March 10

Help us to look for ways to help others in times of trouble not because we are the rescuers but because we are the rescued. God help us to know how to show Your care to others around us. In Jesus’ name we pray.

March 11

Lord when we feel like You are delaying in answering our prayers, give us peace and rest in the waiting. Remind us that Your answers always come at the perfect time. We ask this in the name of Jesus.

March 12

Father make us teachable that we would not have minds that do not retain what we have learned from Your Holy Spirit. May every word we hear and read that is of You we would keep for they are life to us.

March 13

Oh that our words and actions would be an accurate picture of who You are Lord to those around us. May we be that light in darkness. In Jesus’ name we pray.

March 14

We love You Lord, we worship and praise You. May the songs that flow from our hearts that we lift up in worship to You, reach heaven as a sweet aroma to You Lord. With our voices and with our arms raised to the heavens we praise You for You are our Lord and Savior today and always.

March 15

Thank You Lord for the gift of Your Your precious word. It is life to us. It is comfort to us, it is truth to us. It is love to us. Your precious word is ALIVE.

March 16

Thank You Father that You have sent Your angels to keep watch over us, Your Holy Spirit to guide us, lead us, teach us and convict us. Your love to hold us. Praise You for You are such a good, good Father.

March 17

Lord as we begin this new day help us to walk each step in gratitude for all the blessings that You have surrounded us with. Amen

March 18

Jehova Shammah calm our spirits in times of uncertainties. Remind us of Your promises so that we would cling to them, knowing with certainty that You got this. We needn’t worry. In the name of our precious Jesus we pray.

March 19

Lord, You are all that we need. Put to death the desires we have of earthly things. For none of these will satisfy. You will satisfy in abundance all that we need. Thank You, thank You Lord.

March 20

The peace that You give us comes from Your heart oh God. A peace that reminds us in the deepest of our trials that You are faithful, it gives us assurance that we are Yours and that nothing, no person, no demon, no fear, no enemy can take us out of Your hand. Thank You

March 21

Lord guide us to the place where we are able to rest and enjoy Your peace no matter how strong the storm around us, we ask in the holy name of Jesus.

March 22

Thank You Lord for Your word that gives us strength. For Your word when spoken is a sword to defeat the enemy. A healing ointment to those who are hurting and encouragement to those who are weary. Love to those who are lonely. Hope to those who are lost. Oh Lord how we love Your word.

March 23

Father we know that there is a divine purpose in every part of our lives. For our days have been written before we were born. Oh that we would grasp this Lord and rest in this knowledge. We ask in Your powerful name Jesus.

March 24

Lord Your word says You will keep us in perfect peace. When our lives have been turned upside down we ask according to Your will to keep us in Your perfect peace.

March 25

Oh Father, one word from You and there would be peace right now in our lives. We wait on You Lord to speak to our hearts. Amen and amen

March 26

Abba we pray for our children who have not surrendered to You. We long to see them walking with You. Lord remove any obstacle that Satan has placed in their way. We ask in the mighty name of Jesus.

March 27

Thank You that we are eternally secure in Christ Jesus. Lord remind us of this truth when our mind begins to fill us with doubt and question if this is true. We pray in Jesus’ name.

March 28

Lord, God, thank You that anything we go through is truly a blessing, as it draws us closer to You and causes us to seek You through our prayers.

March 29

Lord Your word says that some days are more evil than others. Oh how true this is. On these days words cannot form out of our mouths, only groaning. The language You know so well. Thank You for You are a God of compassion and love.

March 30

Lord You are God of the possible. You are the One who can break us free from chains that keep us in bondage to sin. Lord Your arm is strength and we ask that in Your mercy to set us free in the name of Jesus.

March 31

Lord God our Redeemer, we cry out for help, calm the storms and winds in our lives. Rescue us from our troubles, if this is Your will. We pray in the Holy name of Jesus.

Marj Lancaster