
February 1

Father You know each one of us intimately. Lord remove our sin from our lives. Only with Your Holy Spirit can we turn from our sins we ask in Jesus’ precious name.

February 2

Lord of Angel Armies we ask that You go before us as we battle temptation for You are our strength and shield. In the powerful name of Jesus we pray.

February 3

Thank You Lord that Your mercies are new every morning, that You wipe the slate clean. Otherwise who could stand before You.

February 4

Oh Lord we love You, we praise You, we honor You, we worship You today and forever, amen.

February 5

Our Jesus You are the captain of our salvation and the anchor of our Soul. Thank You that You keep us when we are hit with the waves of life and You do not let them overtake us.

February 6

Our God in heaven draw near to us and heal us from illness. We know that You are Jehova Rafa and believe that You will heal us wether on this side of heaven or when we reach our home in heaven. Thank You Lord we pray this in the name of Jesus.

February 7

Lord put Your word deep within our hearts; let them be in the forefront of our thoughts. We ask this in Jesus' name.

February 8

Oh Lord how we need You in this land that has turned its back on You. Forgive us and have mercy on us in Jesus' name we pray.

February 9

Almighty God we cry out to You with our hands lifted up and worship You with our whole being. We love You Lord. Oh that we would love You above all people and things. Amen

February 10

Jehova thank You for the multitude of blessings You pour on us. Train our hearts to ever be grateful for all that You do. In the holy name of Jesus we pray.

February 11

Lord we come and lay our petitions at Your feet. Help us Lord not to take them back. Help us to trust in Your will and Your timing. In Jesus' name, amen.

February 12

God of miracles we have seen Your hand time and again provide miracles and we are in total awe of Your incredible goodness and faithfulness. Thank You Lord. Amen

February 13

Lord lead us beside still waters and give us peace and comfort for there are days that feel more heavy than others. May we find rest in Your arms today. We ask in Jesus’s name.

February 14

Oh Father never let us forget the good things You have done for us. Give us minds to remember all Your good works in our lives. In the Holy name of Jesus we pray.

February 15

You Lord are the great I Am, there is none like You Lord. We run to You alone today and always.

February 16

Thank You Lord for the hope You’ve given to us. We have eternal life with You. No sting of death will touch us because of what You’ve done on the cross for us. Praise You!

February 17

Lord You are the potter and we are the clay... we commit ourselves to You and ask that You mold us into the people You want us to be. We ask in Jesus' Holy Name.

February 18

Lord God, soften our hearts to have compassion on those around us. Remove the hardness of our hearts to see people as You see them. We ask this in the precious name of Jesus.

February 19

Lord give us patience as we wait upon Your answers to our prayers. Your word in Habakkuk says “even though it tarries wait for it, for it shall surely come”. In these words we find peace, as we wait on Your perfect timing. Amen

February 20

Lord in heaven we ask for Your peace and strength as there are times when fear can creep in and cripple us. Oh may You in Your mercy grant us peace. In the holy name of our Lord and Savior Jesus we pray.

February 21

Lord to think that You set Your eyes on us is so humbling. Thank You that Jesus’ righteousness stands between You and us. Amen

February 22

Precious Lord we ask for wings like eagles that we may soar above all the circumstances in our lives that feel overwhelming. We love how Your words say we soar above and not beneath the weight of our burdens. In Jesus’s name we pray.

February 23

Father, oh that our desires for the things of this world and our selfish pleasures be wiped away and replenished by the things of You. That our worldly desires lessen and our spiritual desires grow more and more. We ask this in the mighty name of Jesus.

February 24

Almighty Jehova help us to be aware of those around us who may need an encouraging word. Oh that our eyes would be open to see the need in others and may our hearts be tender to those in need. In the name of Jesus we pray.

February 25

Abba Father we ask that You give us the strength and conviction to overcome sin. Our flesh can be so strong at times Lord.

February 26

Lord of all, we know that one day every knee will bow before You and confess You are Lord. Our petition is for our family and friends who are not saved. Oh that they would bow down and confess You are Lord today and be saved. In the name of our Jesus we pray.

February 27

We give You the praise of our entire being. With our hands lifted high we worship You for You are worthy of all of our praise. May our praise be a delight to You.

February 28

Lord we ask that You bless Your church. That every ministry that has come to be, be founded on the moving of the Holy Spirit. May the work done glorify You. This we ask in Jesus’ name.

Marj Lancaster