
July 1

Father in heaven You know our deepest thoughts and our desires. Mold our hearts and minds so that we will think and desire only that which will bring You glory today.

July 2

Lord God we love You and we will follow Your command, so that we will honor Your name. Please help us never to use Your name in vain but to always fear and reverence You.

July 3

Thank You Lord that we are no longer a slave to sin because of what Jesus has done. We shall never be shackled again. We have been bought and now are Yours forever. Amen

July 4

Oh Father make us warriors for Your kingdom. Oh that our words would be like weapons to penetrate the hardest of hearts. Fill our mouths with the words we need to share. In the powerful name of Jesus we ask these things.

July 5

Lord help us to sit still as we wait upon You. To be quiet to hear Your still small voice. Open our ears to hear and our hearts to receive whatever You have to say to us.

July 6

Remind us Lord that we are warriors. Keepers of the covenant, we are protectors of the faith, we are fighters of evil. With the armor You have given us we are powerful and strong in the name of Jesus.

July 7

Oh to think that our sinful acts is a character of Satan, convicts us and breaks our hearts. For we know we have broken Yours. Oh that we would truly realize this and do all to keep from sinning.

July 8

Lord help our youth to walk in the light as You are in the light. Keep their hearts and minds pure, as we are living in an evil culture that promotes sin. In Jesus we pray.

July 9

Father our sin puts a wall between You and us. It causes distance between us. Oh this is not what we want. We want to be close to You. Lord forgive us when we allow this to happen. May we be quick to confess and be truly repented. In Jesus’ name amen.

July 10

Thank You Lord for Your word, thank You for Your comfort and peace it brings. Thank You for in them we find direction and answers. Thank You as Your word fills us with hope and assurance of our salvation. Thank You for this priceless gift of Your love. Amen

July 11

Dear Lord, all of our weaknesses we bring to Your strength, all of our failures we lay at Your faithfulness, all of our loneliness to Your compassion, all of our little pains to Your great agony on the Cross. For You and You alone are our God.

July 12

Father we pray that You will cleanse us, strengthen us, guide us, so that in all our ways our lives may be lived as You would have it lived. Show us how to live in true humility, and true love. In Jesus’ name amen.

July 13

Lord there are some of us whose families are struggling. Whether children who have gone wayward or husband and wives have split. Maybe our finances are dried up. Lord with fear, confusion, desperation we need Your strength and power in our lives. We need to sense Your comfort and peace. Wrap Your arms around us and fill us with Your love.

July 14

Dear Jesus, always remind us of who You are and what Your mighty hand can do. For You Lord are bigger than all of our problems and worries. For You are our Help.

July 15

Remind us oh Lord that it is a privilege to pray, it is an honor to pray. For You our Father the creator of heaven and earth have granted us to step on Holy Ground before You. Thank You Lord, thank You.

July 16

Lord there are times when life can put us in the pit. When we are submerged in hurt from others, or afraid as we do not know what our tomorrows may have. Or we may have put ourselves in the pit because of the consequences of sin. We know it’s only You Lord that can take us out of our pits. So we reach out our hands to You believing You will save us.

July 17

Jehova Shalom, You are our peace. You are the Prince of Peace. We do not want to trust in the worldly peace as that comes and goes. We want to rest in Your peace as this is forever.

July 18

Change us O Lord, change us and make us more like You. You are the Potter and we are the clay. Help us to see what You are doing in our lives, to let go and let You do Your work in us. In the name of Jesus we pray.

July 19

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your word. Give us understanding and teach us the way to apply them to our lives.

July 20

Lord help us to get rid of guilt that we can cling to, remind us that through Jesus Christ You see us as righteous, free and forgiven. We are no longer those people we were before You saved us. In Jesus’ name we ask.

July 21

Father forgive us when we forget that whatever we do no matter how small or how great, no matter how mundane it may seem. We are to do it all unto You and for Your glory. Amen

July 22

Oh Lord help us to endure life’s hardships. Help us to endure and give us the strength to persevere. For there are days we feel so tired. Be our strength Lord, please be our strength.

July 23

Lord to know when we come before You in prayer, You open Your hidden treasures from heaven and pour them upon us. You pour out Your love, Your healing, Your protection, Your forgiveness, Your provisions and a multitude of blessings. It is so humbling to think of these things. Thank You Lord, thank You.

July 24

Father we thank You for You are faithful and true. We believe and know that what You have set into motion will come to pass. For You are our hope and our trust rests in nothing but You. You alone hold our futures in Your hands. Amen

July 25

Lord Jesús we look to You today for help and courage. As we begin a new day and are unaware what this day may bring. We rest in You Lord as we begin this journey called today.

July 26

Thank You Lord for You never give up on us. You give us unending mercy and grace. You love us beyond limit and continue to reach out Your loving arms every time we fall.

July 27

Teach us to sing Lord through the trials that come. Give us joyful hearts that can rejoice and be at peace at times of hardships. Show us that in You we can have the strength to walk through battlefields. For it is in You we have victory. Amen

July 28

Father we want to be ready when You call us to service. We want to be found clothed in the armor You have provided, so that we are fit to be used by You. In the name of Jesus we pray.

July 29

Our precious Lord. We come to praise You with our voices, with our hearts and with our minds. We lift up our hands to You and worship You and You alone. For You alone deserve our praises.

July 30

Our highest praise is more than spoken words, it’s what our hearts say. These hearts say we love You Lord and believe You are Lord and Savior. We believe You were crucified, died and were buried and rose from the dead. We believe Lord, we believe! Amen and Amen

July 31

Help us to realize we are no longer slaves to sin. We have been set free. Change our mindsets Lord as we’ve allowed ourselves to believe we are still in bondage when You have already removed the shackles. Lead us out of the cells we are in and into freedom. In the mighty name of Jesus we ask.

Marj Lancaster