
January 1

Lord our God thank you for Your goodness and faithfulness. For You are our promise keeper.

January 2

Lord of heaven and earth keep us as we go through trials that want to overtake us. We know You are our strong tower we can run to. In Your holy name we pray.

January 3

Jehova Rafa thank you for Your healing of our bodies minds and spirits.

January 4

We come before Your throne of grace and ask for Your forgiveness and mercy to cover us today and always. In Jesus’ name we pray.

January 5

Help us Lord to keep our eyes on You in the times of peace and in the times of trials. Let us not ever grow complacent in our walk with You. In Your precious name we pray.

January 6

Jehova Jireh our provider, may we look to Your face always and not just to Your to hands for our needs. In the powerful name of Jesus' we pray.

January 7

What words can we offer to You Lord that are sufficient other than here Lord, here is our life, we surrender all to You our Abba.

January 8

Lord of all we humbly bring all that we have to You and lay them at Your feet and ask that You accept these trinkets of offerings as a sweet smelling aroma.

January 9

Lord as You have restored what the locusts have eaten in the past we ask Lord that You do the same for us that are weary and heavy laden. In Jesus' name.

January 10

Jehova we know that You are the only one who saves. We are interceding in behalf for our loved ones who need You and ask for the moving of Your Holy Spirit to woo them and bring them from from darkness to light. We ask in Your Son's holy name Jesus.

January 11

Revive us O Lord, revive the old bones that have become dry and weary. Restore the joy of our Salvation.

January 12

We cry out to You the creator of heaven and earth to bring healing in our land. May You be honored and feared as King.

January 13

Lord help us to walk in Your ways and be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Keep us from straying.

January 14

Oh father in heaven who knows all things from beginning to end, empower us to trust You and Your will. May we rest in the knowledge that You are omniscient.

January 15

Sometimes Lord all we have left in us is to pray the name JESUS. This name is above all names and is worthy to be praised. There is power in His name. And so we say JESUS.

January 16

Lord we cry out to You O Father to equip us with the empowerment to thwart the wiles of the enemy. May our eyes stay on You and away from the enticements of this world.

January 17

Lord deafen our ears from hearing words that are not beneficial to us. May we always be listening to Your still small voice.

January 18

Thank You Lord for rescuing us from Satan's clutches and bringing us into eternal fellowship with You.

January 19

Lord we wait anxiously to hear the words, "enter in thy good and faithful servant." Oh Lord come quickly.

January 20

Our Heavenly Father remind us that it is on our knees we battle best. Remind us to run to the throne before we do anything else. Empower us to remain steadfast and not to surrender.

January 21

Oh God we look around and this world can be so frightening. Remind us that we are sojourners, this is not our home as we wait for Your return. May we be about Your business. Give us boldness to share the gospel in truth and love.

January 22

Saturate us Lord with Your word. May they continually be a lamp for our feet that we will not slip.

January 23

Lord may we have the wisdom to read Your word through the lens of the Holy Spirit, to keep to the truth of Your word and remove any kind of itchy ears that may woo us away from what Your word says. We ask in Jesus' name.

January 24

Lord give us grateful hearts that thank you in the good as well as in the bad, in the joys as well as in the sorrows. For You are a good good Father.

January 25

Lord, that we would hear Your still small voice and be obedient to its leading.

January 26

We worship You, with our arms open wide as we are in awe of Your Holiness. We seek Your beautiful face day and night.

January 27

Thank you Lord that Your throne room is always open and we may enter any time. You are always available to us. You will never shut Your door to Your people.

January 28

Oh God our Lord and Savior make us a people who honor You with our behavior and our tongues. May we truly be children of light in a world of darkness.

January 29

We praise You Lord, for You are Holy and worthy of our praise. We glorify Your name. Lifting up our hands and bowing our hearts we cry out Holy Holy Holy Lord are You.

January 30

Our loving Shepherd thank you that You laid Your life down to save us. There is no other Shepherd we want to follow. Oh that we would always listen to the Shepherd's voice calling.

January 31

Dear Heavenly Father remind us that when we come before Your throne we are standing on Holy ground. For You are a Holy God.

Marj Lancaster