May 6 - Bobbi Lawrence

I was at class last night and one of the brothers was getting rid of computer equipment and an office chair.

I said to the brother, if you have another desk chair, I'll take it because the back of mine kept falling off. The brother who was supposed to get the chair heard that my chair was broken and told me to take it because his chair was old, but working.

The brother who brought the chair, came with his wife to my house last night, after class. They carried the new chair in and took the old broken one out to be disposed of. James 1:27 tells us "Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world". Being a disabled widow these folks were doing the Lord's work. I never could have carried the chair in, or taken the old one out.

I never even asked the Lord how I was going to get a new chair, but He knew my need and fulfilled it. We serve such an awesome God.

Marj Lancaster