September 15 - Jen Pulomena

2022 has been one of the most stress-filled years of my life. Just when it appeared I could embrace a lull in the bombardment, a new challenge arose.

This morning I was standing at the kitchen sink washing dishes and really having a pity party for myself. I mean, really? What's going on here? I don't waaaaaant to "build character."

Then, clear as day, I heard, "My grace is sufficient for thee." That's it. He's sufficient. He's with me and will comfort and guide me. All I have to do is turn my focus off of my woes and turn it to His sufficiency.

Already, only moments later, I've had to remind myself of it and practice refocusing.

"My grace is sufficient for thee.
My grace is sufficient for thee.
My grace is sufficient for thee."

That's my God Moment for today...for this morning.

Marj Lancaster