September 11 - Zgorzynski Family

When we moved into our home 25 years ago, we put a 6x4 brass plaque on our front door which says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15". In addition to that, my brother-in-law built a cross made out of branches that stands about 16 inches tall and gave it to us this past Easter so we stood it up in the dirt by our shrubs right near the front door.

A few days ago our doorbell rang. I was preparing dinner. Usually, my husband answers the door because these days there are many solar panel companies that knock on our door trying to sell them. Well, this time my husband was not available to come to the door so I opened the door (dishtowel in hand), and, in fact, it was a 20-something young man pleasantly starting to share about solar panels and his company. Right in the middle of his pitch, he just stopped talking. He said, "I'm sorry, Ma'am, it's just that I saw the cross while coming to your doorstep and then I saw what it says on your door and I... well, about a year ago I asked Christ into my life. I've been out of a job for a year so I took this job, and all I get is doors slammed in my face and people being rude and unkind." He stated he was reading Romans chapter 8 and that he tries to trust the Lord but it's hard, this job is hard but he keeps at it and believes maybe the Lord is trying to teach him patience.

I shared with him that I accepted the Lord when I was 19 years old and that I am 65 years old now and the Lord is faithful and to keep on pressing on, shared Galatians 6:9, "And let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap if we faint not." I shared that we are currently attending Calvary Chapel of Old Bridge, and he said, "The Jesus Revolution" church! Then he showed me on his phone a friend who also attends Calvary and asked if I knew him. I did not but invited him to come for a visit. He said he no longer wanted to share about the solar panels and thanked me for taking the time to talk to him. I never did get his name but I told him I would pray for him.

In all these years, no one ever commented on that verse on our door until the other day. I felt that was truly a God moment for this young man and for me.

It doesn't end there. We took our 13-year-old grandson with us to The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. We had no idea how many gospel messages would be presented throughout both museums. Our grandson apparently was inspired by this trip because one week after we dropped him home in New Hampshire, he asked to be baptized. He had called me to tell me he got baptized while I was making dinner at the same time my doorbell rang from the young man I mentioned above. I had my earpiece in my ear, and my grandson heard the whole encounter with this young man. That was my God moment number two when my grandson called to say he got baptized!

Marj Lancaster