September 18 - Anonymous Sinner

Did you ever notice every single one of God’s creations are different? Yet man seeks to mass produce its creations either exactly the same or with slight variations. For example, from far away, pine trees look all the same, and when we come up close, each one is vastly different. This is the same with God’s creations in many things from the blades of grass on our lawn, to actual people themselves. On the other hand, if we saw a new shipment of cameras, or silver colored Ford SUV’s, they would look exactly the same, even close up. I think this is because the society we live in expects these items to work perfectly, without fault and to look and perform smoothly all the time.

The society we live in also often conditions us to be in this “seeking perfection” mindset for many things, such as our work, our families, our personal lives, and most importantly, in our faith. The hoax is on us when we make these goals our reality in such things as what seems like perfection on the outside, and with no unrest on the inside. I believe this fallacy is a severe problem I sometimes have, and possibly many others may have fallen into. The truth is, whether one is a believer or not, each can experience joy, or pain regardless. A believer calls bad things “a trial”, and a non-believer calls it bad luck. A believer sometimes calls good things a “blessing” and non-believer calls it good luck, each experience is different. But either way, total contentment won’t happen until Jesus Christ comes back.

So, in the meantime, I’ve been praying on the spirit of God’s wisdom and grace to accept my many faults. So, when in fellowship with others, also taking the time to listen clearly, and empathetically focus on the person's individual issue along with an excerpt from the Word of God and extending comforting words helped in ways I couldn’t imagine. My God moment is, I was speaking with a severely depressed person, who was contemplating ending their life because they did not meet the “social acceptance criteria” of a person of their background. I explained that people are not perfect like the manmade objects we use, and we are not privy to their reality, which in some cases could be many times worse than yours, and some maybe better? And furthermore, isn’t the precious life that God gave us completely unique, and precious in his eyes? Therefore, we must run our own imperfect and unique race in the most righteous way we humanly can. I told this person that they needed to start step by step, and there was no quick remedy in anyone’s case, because his own case was unique.

Regardless of the lies you are reading all around you, it is all about putting that first foot forward. So far, he is doing ok, and I believe God will have his wing of protection over him. And wouldn’t you believe, this conversation had an equal healing effect on me, as I was going through something different, but equally seeking a perfect answer, when none exists. The only perfect thing that exists is the love of our Father, God, The Lord Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit has for us, and giving us the proper words to speak to someone in need at the perfect and appropriate times, to assist in their "imperfect" situation. Wow, how Awesome is our one of a kind and unique God we serve!

Marj Lancaster