September 8 - Audrey Leschinski

I have a very common physical condition called Sleep Apnea. It causes you to stop breathing in your sleep, and the common prescription for this is to use a CPAP or BIPAP machine, which continually forces air into your nose through a hose hooked up to the machine. This machine is a crucial necessity for my physical well-being, and it MUST be used every night. I never fail to use my BIPAP machine each night -- the consequences of not doing so usually result in having to be hospitalized with Congestive Heart Failure.

Currently, all Respironics models of the Continuous Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) machines, manufactured by Phillips Corporation are under a massive recall, due to a design flaw which causes the machine to fail to start up. There are so many recalled machines that it is impossible to purchase a new unit or receive a replacement. I have been waiting for over a year now.

One evening, about two months ago, my machine would not start, so I tried a "hard reset." I pulled out the wires from the wall to a transformer(?) and then to the unit, and waited 10 minutes. I plugged them back in, and put it on. It started right up. I was so relieved, but I found that I had to do this many nights until, one night, it would not start at all. I was frantic, and could not imagine how, if at all, I would be able to fall asleep I stood over the unit, & I began to pray: "Father You are all powerful & all knowing; if it be thy will, You can fix this machine for me. You have promised to fill my needs, and I believe I'm not asking amiss by saying, Daddy, can you fix my machine? " (I felt like a little girl, going to her father with a broken toy, asking him to fix it.)

I saw no reason to delay, so I pushed the Start button. IT STARTED RIGHT UP! Praise the Lord! I was so delighted, I thanked my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and do you know what? IT'S STILL WORKING!!!

Marj Lancaster