July 19 - Ron Mack

Setting: A Hotel next to Hyde Park, London UK by Lancaster Gate

Timing: April 1978

Purpose: Michigan State Overseas Study Programme.

Ron: Lloyd, I'm going to skip classes here in London next week and go down to visit Dr. Francis Schaeffer's School, L'Abri in the village of Huémoz, Switzerland. So I won't be here in England next week.

Lloyd: Ok. I'm going too.

...a period of silence and stares...

Ron: Lloyd, There's something that's been bothering me and I have to ask you a question.

Lloyd: Ok.

Ron: Lloyd, How much money do you have?

Lloyd: What do you mean?

Ron: I mean how much money do you have!? Count it.

Lloyd: You mean right now?

Ron: Yes. Right now.

...Lloyd opens wallet slowly and begins to count. Closes wallet, puts it away, and looks up.

Lloyd: 13 Quid

Ron: 13 Quid. 13 Quid? 13 Quid! How much in Travelers Checks do you have uncashed?

Lloyd: none

Ron: How much other money do you have??

Lloyd: none

Ron: Lloyd!!! You don't have enough money to go to Switzerland next week. You don't have enough money to make it home to Michigan in 8 weeks. You don't have enough money to eat!! What are you going to do?

Lloyd: "The Lord Will Provide."

Ron with a sweeping hand motion of dismay.

...silence and stares... (By the way there were no such thing as credit cards back then).

Lloyd: Well, what would you do?

Ron: I'd go to that red phone booth down there and call my dad reverse charges in the States and ask him to wire me money.

Lloyd: Would your dad loan me...

Ron: Stop! I am not going to call my dad and ask him to give you money. However, if you want to call him yourself and ask that, here is his number at work. Call him Reverse Charges; but don't tell him I told you to do it. It is between him and you.

My dad was a strong Christian. He knew Lloyd from visits home on weekends. He knew Lloyd's Mother was deceased. He knew Lloyd's dad was unattached. He didn't hesitate. My dad wired the juvenile carefree spontaneous immature Lloyd Pulley the equivalent of thousands of U.S. dollars that day. Lloyd paid back my dad every penny the next year working drywall in California.

Back to Lancaster Gate, London England after the call.

Ron: Ok Lloyd. I'll give you one location to meet me at in Paris on Thursday. If you're not there, I'm leaving for Switzerland without you. I'll meet you at noon under the center of the Eiffel Tower.

The kid was there under Tour d'Eiffel. We journeyed down to L'Abri in Switzerland. The journey still continues today. Miracles continually open from Our Father's Hands to His children.

Marj Lancaster