July 17 - Anonymous

The story of Balaam and his donkey can be found in Numbers 22:21-39. It came to mind as I was trying to think of examples of the LORD using the things of this world to speak to His people. In Balaam's case, it was to rebuke him on his way to serve Balak. In my case, it was to offer some much-needed comfort.

It was a rough day--too much to do, not enough time, the usual. I had put too much on my plate without seeking the LORD's guidance--again--and found myself frantically racing to help serve at BridgeFest. I was cursing myself for foolishly offering to serve without first asking the LORD if it's what He wanted--but of COURSE it was, how could it *not* be? But as always seems to happen (to me, anyway) when I volunteer for something (especially when it involves helping the Church), Life cuts in and throws everything in my way to keep me from fulfilling my commitment.

So here I was, rushing around, on my way to a world of misery, feeling like a disappointment to GOD and His people--AGAIN--and wondering why I even bother.

I was flipping through the satellite radio stations, trying to find music to speed to (Confession Time: I don't always listen to Christian music). I heard a story on one station about a man who saw a vision of "angels" ("2 men in awesome white tuxedos" that no one else saw) right before he died, and it got me thinking about how I would be received when the LORD called me home. At that point, I was sure He would be as disappointed as everyone else must be.

On my radio, it shows the names of the songs that are playing, along with the artist. I was listening to the alternative 80s station, and I had just blurted out to myself how I hoped when I was face-to-face with the LORD, that He'd be smiling (inside, I assumed He wouldn't be). I kid you not, the second I said that, the next song to come on was by the Pretenders, and the song title was "PRECIOUS".

A bocce-ball-sized lump appeared in my throat. I couldn't believe He was using an obscure song on a not-Christian station to let me know how much He STILL loves me, and that as His child, I am always PRECIOUS to Him, no matter what.

By His mercy, I made it to BridgeFest safely, albeit an hour late for my serving assignment. But thanks to His love and mercy shown through His beautiful children ministering to me, I found myself being more blessed than I could have imagined. And I had gone there to BE a blessing! He is faithful and loving beyond words, and I can't wait to spend eternity thanking Him for that and so much more.

Marj Lancaster