July 14 - John Lundberg

We serve an amazing God. Recently the wife of a pastor visiting and teaching at our church, Calvary Chapel Old Bridge, had an attack with a painful condition in her eye. One of the women serving at the church was aware of her eye condition. A few times a month I’m on the second floor of the church reviewing ultrasounds for the Bridge Women’s Center. This particular day I was in my scrubs coming straight from the hospital. I’m not sure if the women who serves at our church would have remembered that I was a doctor had I not been wearing my scrubs. She told me about the pastor’s wife’s eye and asked if I could help. I generally arrive at church on the later side for midweek service, but this time it was a rare occasion that I was early, which enabled me to see the pastor and ask him firsthand exactly what was wrong. After telling me I explained that I don’t know many ophthalmologists, but I do have one long term patient whose husband is in that specialty. I couldn’t remember her last name so I reached out to my Orthodox Jewish partner to see if he could remember. My patient was also Orthodox, and he remembered the name because they attend the same synagogue. Also, my partner “just so happened” to have the ophthalmologist's personal cell phone number. The physician “just so happened” to pick up on the first ring, and when I discussed her issue, he just so happened to be a cornea specialist which was the exact issue the pastor’s wife just so happened to be suffering with. He saw her the following day and helped her.

We know that we serve a God with no coincidences. Nothing “just so” happens. To God be all the glory, as He uses multiple individuals to bring about answers to prayer.

Isaiah 55:8-9, “ “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.“

Marj Lancaster