July 12 - Laly Zambrana

The Lord our God is so so good.

After the mini stroke I was left with a droop to my mouth, my right leg shuffled and my arm weak, my handwriting was nowhere near to my true writing.

BUT GOD!!! My speech was not affected and it is now only 6 days after and my mouth is normal, my leg isn’t shuffling, my arm is at about 90%. The only thing I am dealing with is that I am tired and have a dull headache.

The visiting home nurse came to see me to evaluate so I can start PT… no PT needed!!!!

I’m on plavix and lovenox and they upped the cholesterol med.

I am so so humbled by the Lord's mercy and grace He has given to me.

My heart is so overwhelmed by the love and prayers I’ve received. I can’t thank all of those who have been praying for me.

The Lord always has a purpose for allowing these things. While in the hospital I got to share the word of God and my faith. I got to pray over and with one of my doctors who just sobbed while the Lord opened my twisted mouth with the words she needed to hear, her name is Dr A. (please pray for her salvation)

My roommate was a precious 87 yr old woman who was senile and carried on conversations with her deceased husband and her children whom she thought were infants. All through the night.

I played my worship through the night and I didn’t hear any complaints from her. Worship is where the Lord ministers to me. So I was ever grateful I could play it and not disturb her.

The nurses kept asking if I wanted to go to another room. They couldn’t understand why I didn’t want to be moved. She didn’t bother me and I didn’t mind; on the contrary it kept my eyes off myself and more on her as it broke my heart. I thought one day that might be me. I had my worship music going and she didn’t mind.

The family was Jewish and the sons came and would visit her. We started talking and I asked them if I could pray over them and their mama and they said that was fine.

Again the Lord filled my twisted mouth and I prayed in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ and the sons didn't object and just were thankful. I shared with the nurses and prayed for them and with them. The Lord just kept bringing people into my room. And I just kept praying.

I was so so blessed that the Lord allowed me these divine appointments. So very humbling to say the least.

Sometimes we wonder the why’s or how comes… all I know is that He used this twisted mouthed woman to share Him and the blessing was mine.

Marj Lancaster