June 8 - Anonymous

This year will be the first year that I complete the Bible challenge. Just after a few days of reading, I felt the strong desire to be closer to The Lord, to walk with Him and to know Him as the lover of my soul. I prayed for Him to reveal anything in me that is keeping me from getting closer. Sure enough, this year He has brought to light things that I didn’t know were causing bitterness and unforgiveness.

God has taught me to completely surrender to His will even when it hurts or it’s uncomfortable. I have penned letters of apologies that I never would have written if not led by the Holy Spirit. God has brought me across the country to care for and to forgive my terminally-ill father. Jehovah Shalom has showed me that He is sufficient and His peace is all I need while I suffer and grieve through my fourth miscarriage. He has taught me to lean on Him through the hard times, and to be open with and in fellowship with His children. He has showed me how much I desperately need to rest in the comfort of His loving embrace, and to daily be in His word to remember His promises and to know His heart.

Marj Lancaster