June 7 - Steven Kucinski

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” James 1:2-3 NLT

It had been a childhood dream that I would become a firefighter when “I grew up.” When I turned 18, I realized that dream and became a volunteer firefighter for a local town. I also went and got my EMT certification since I could serve in multiple capacities.

A few years later, I tested and was hired to become a full-time career Firefighter/EMT. As soon as I was hired, I pursued my certifications in Fire Inspector, Instructor, and a degree in Fire Science. I wanted to eventually get promoted and wanted to learn as much as I could. It wasn’t until a few years after I was hired that I would meet my “future wife.” I wasn’t saved at this point but, on our second date, we went to a Bible study at CCOB. That night, I gave my life to Christ!

From that point on, I made it a point to Pray before the start of my shift, asking for God’s guidance and wisdom when crossing path’s with co-workers and those we served.

When I was eligible, I took the exam for promotion. I had the top written score, however, the bulk of the scoring was achieved through an Oral Interview. On top of that, by township ordinance, the mayor was not bound by the test ranking in order to promote.

I was “unofficially” told that I was at the top of the list by members of the department. However, when the list officially came out three and half months later, I was not at the top.

The ranking process was “allegedly” changed. However, that same day, my wife had received great news regarding a medical report with her MS so the promotion list wasn’t important. God was merciful with regard’s to my wife’s health!

I kept my focus on what God did for me through His Son, my Blessed Redeemer Jesus, and that I serve Him! I never did get promoted but I knew my job was more than just a rank. I wanted to make sure I’d stayed focused on Him and remembered, as a Believer, I needed to be a good witness for the Gospel.

Fast forward to my last day before I would retire after 30 years with the department.

Throughout the day, I had both on and off-duty guys pulled me off to the side and Thanked me. They shared about the times I prayed for them about a personal situation or shared God’s Word with them during good or bad times and how that greatly helped them out. Many of them were not belivers but they shared that something stirred in them. They also shared that even though I had not received a promotion, that God used me for more important than a promotion.

I always look back and hoped that God used me to plant seeds, and that I served Him and did exactly what I was suppose to do for Him!

In the end, God provided me with more than I could have ever hoped to receive from an earthly promotion… the Love and Blessings through the shed blood my Savior Jesus Christ!

Marj Lancaster