June 6 - Anonymous

"Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but abundant crops come by the strength of the ox" (Proverbs: 14:4). Gaining knowledge every day in Christ, 1st through the bible, then studies, courses, weekly worship, and prayer, begins to assemble a solid foundation hopefully "built upon a rock" which is the most solid footing.

But what do we do once a good foundation is complete, and clean of most debris?

As I found myself in a complete "stalemate" of gazing at this most clean and wonderful foundation, admiring it from every angle to the point of nauseum, the Holy Spirit put it upon my heart to ask myself, well? what kind of building are you going to erect on it? At that moment, my mind was totally blank, I was all dressed up, and nowhere to go. Furthermore, I often had a go to saying, "if we are not growing, we're dying", well I found myself in that very same position gazing at my wonderfully built clean foundation, without a "building plan."

So, I prayed "like an ox" for our Lord Jesus Christ to do a work in me to find a way to tell others about the Good News of Moses, the prophets, and how it all leads up to Christ.

Idea after idea kept popping up, but to no avail, none were practical nor feasible in the long run. My mind was filled with thoughts in every direction, then researching, only to find out that most were impractical, wow what a mess! Then, as I was in fellowship with a few believers, one in particular was a regular at Alcoholics Anonymous and he told me how effective it was for him, and many others. So, the Lord guided me to start a "Bible Discussion" where we talk about God, and how God's word translates into our everyday lives, and called it "Sinners Anonymous."

Ok, so I'm clearly guilty of plagiarizing, But? we are now going on our 12th meeting, and what a (Good) mess I have in my life! Time constraints, arrogant people, know it all's, self-serving people, cursers, scoffers, laughers, deniers, people who call at the most difficult time to share a testimony, people who need prayer that are experiencing trials, people with negative medical reports, schools telling 2nd grade kids they could be a girl and a boy, and a cat, at the same time, etc, etc, etc.

Needless to say, my manger is now "dirty with building abundant crops for Christ" with people that had some of the same issues that I had, some I didn't, and many I still have. In closing, what a blessing it is for me to have continual God moments in speaking to others, and in the miraculous healing it has had on my heart to experience this privilege in so many ways (Amen?).

Marj Lancaster