June 28 - Roxanne Kamichoff

In 2020, I was responsible for organizing a parachurch overnight women’s ministry event in Princeton. After weeks of my vetting various hotels to host the event, a venue was selected and the event was scheduled for May 2020. Then COVID hit.

During 2021, I began to sense the Lord leading me to coordinate the regional event for 2022. I really didn’t want to do so, especially since I had lost leadership due to moves out of state. Maybe I could just not do an event….but God!

I thought how on earth could I do this alone. Fortunately, I had someone to receive the checks not processed through Eventbrite and to do the final financial accounting. And, I did have someone to create the art motif. But, other than that, I was on my own to handle registration, work with the hotel coordinator, obtain speakers, design the program, prepare invitations and the resources for attendee folders, obtain gifts for speakers and attendees, et al.

Did I really say I was on my own??? I am embarrassed to say that initially I did think that it was all on me… until I readily acknowledged that this was GOD’s event, not mine. There was a small group of women I asked to pray for the event and they did.

God answered so BIG!! I would have missed this incredible blessing if I had taken the easy way out by saying one person couldn’t pull this all together. One of the things I had to do when designing the program was to select the right speakers. Jesus gave me the ONE name I needed for each category and that person readily agreed to participate in that position. This happened each and every time! Every detail was provided to me by the Lord!! Including the wonderful worship leader, Erika!

One very special way the Lord provided was in two sessions presented by the keynote speaker. The speaker suggested a certain topic or two, but they were not right for this event. Normally, I accede to the keynote speaker, but not this time. Late one night, I happened - in a God moment - to read one of the speaker’s blogs and realized that if the speaker took this topic and applied it for Esther and the event title, For Such a Time as This, it would be perfect. And it was!

This was ALL about God showing Himself so much more powerful and loving than I could have imagined. I am so very grateful for how He allowed me to work with Him on His event!

“Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name…” Nehemiah 1:11

Marj Lancaster