June 29 - Daniel Finney

It is a wonderful thing to experience God's favor and recognize it as such. But how about God's discipline (Hebrews 12:5-11)? I don't think I have been as aware on that side of the ledger - perhaps that explains why I sometimes need two or three thumps to get my attention. Yet over time, as I have continued on my journey of faith, I am more receptive, more able to correct/adjust my attitude, more prone to forgive and ask forgiveness, etc.

Over the last week I took on a project I thought would be easy for me. I even said, "easy peasie". Well, our Heavenly Father used my overconfidence to humble me a bit.

First step was to replace the rotten flooring - but when I took it up I found two floor joists missing. The electricians who brought power to the building ripped out the rim joist - OK, but the next joist also?? After a lot of crawling in the dirt, jacking up the shed, etc. I was a bit frustrated and looking for a tool. I was asking another boy about it when my 9 year old (Brian) overheard from a distance and tried to interject. I told him to be quiet and it was none of his "Bees Wax"! Have you ever noticed how things seem to start going wrong in direct proportion to your bad attitude? As I started banging only seconds later some bees swooped down from the soffit and stung me - in the upper lip, the left hand, and the right wrist! I had to retreat for the day, take some benadryl, and wait to see the extent of my reaction (allergic to bees). Brian was all excited to help administer the Epi-pen with it's big needle but thankfully that and hospital visit was avoided.

After a couple days and the Daffy Duck look wore off, I proceeded to the main task in which I was confident to make short work of. Who has ever heard of three layers of tar paper with roofing nails lined up an inch apart to secure it? Or who uses 6 nails per shingle?? After viewing what seemed to be a salvageable piece of sheathing so full of holes as to lose it's structural strength I proceeded to "Attempt" removing the rest of the sheathing. Who in the world would use 12D Galvanized nails to put down roof sheathing - And so many??? I will spare you the blow by blow of how I had to tear the sheathing off in pieces and how I could barely break the nails free when I could finally get under them. but it was really tough, tedious, and unexpected.

I had several "God Moments" throughout the week. What made them so special is that I was able to recognize, repent, and then turn to God for help. Though God did not spare me the pain of bee stings, nail holes in my fingers, or the unprecedented difficulty beyond a normally arduous task, he was along side me and lovingly disciplining and teaching me. What a difference it makes to look to God in adversity. Many times I have heard people cursing and throwing a fit when facing similar adversities myself included in times past.

Thank You Heavenly Father for guiding me, disciplining me, strengthening me, blessing me, and especially allowing me to see your hand in my life as I acknowledge You and look to You in growing faith.

Marj Lancaster