June 15 - Cindy Mah

God our Protector

When I worked as a substitute in the Edison school district. I took a job in an elementary school back in 2011. That day when I worked there, I felt God impressed upon me to pray for protection for that school. So I did as I walked the hallways in that school, I prayed.

Not too long after that, I accepted a job there again which surprised me because I usually prefer to work in middle schools where students are more independent. Elementary school students are cute but they can be needy.

That day during my free period, I was told by the school secretary to go to the office and stuff letters in envelopes to be sent out to all the parents. When I started the task, I read the letter. The Letter was written from the Superintendent to all the parents of that school letting them know the name of a male teacher in that school was arrested for attempted criminal sexual conduct with a minor. I heard later this teacher was involved in pornography.

God had me in that school stuffing envelopes to let me know that He answered my prayers. He sent me to a school I usually don't work in and led me to pray for over that school. The evil was revealed and dealt with.

It's kind of amazing how God includes His children in His work, He does not need us, He can work without us but He chose to use us despite us. When we pray, we get to be co-laborers with Him in His redemptive plans. Through prayer we engage in fighting spiritual battles changing outcomes, joining His victory.

Afterwards, I felt led to write a note to the Superintendent. I wrote to the superintendent telling him he did the right thing by informing all the parents of the teacher being arrested. I also told him that when I worked in that school, I prayed in my heart that God would protect that school and this incident was God answering my prayers. I wanted to be a witness for God. I pray the superintendent would know there is a powerful God beyond the power of the elite educators, God will protect His children.

The Devil comes to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came to redeem restore and give life. The WOKE culture cannot prevail over the AWAKEN resurrection power of our Savior Jesus!

"Therefore, Lord, we know you will protect the oppressed preserving them forever from this lying generation even though the wicked strut about and evil is praised throughout the land." Psalm 12.7 NLT

Marj Lancaster