June 16 - Anonymous

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” My God moment is, when important challenges arise, “if I remember to say that to myself, it always turns out better one way or the other.” Whether it's before a meeting starts, or “in a pickle with something going on”, it remains true.

Issuing my ‘ineffective impatient zeal’ prior to prayer, only adds to the problem because I am grossly and mistakenly guilty of thinking ahead of God’s purpose. Furthermore, potentially blocking my own growth in whatever I’m praying and hoping for.

After 7 years or so, I’m starting to learn to pray on things “one step before” instead of ‘one step after’ making an important decision. In this, the Lord is teaching me to choose my battles wisely and effectively. But most importantly? I’m learning to ask God for permission first. As opposed to making the decision, and then realize I need to pray to our Lord to pick up the pieces of my self-inflicted disaster. King David learned that lesson in real time and serves as a good lesson for me. This is so obviously imperative to do because we love God, The Lord Jesus Christ And The Holy Spirit so much, we want to do the right thing according to his word.

I also said to myself, “King David had God’s prophets and amazing council around him,” then I quickly remembered how important the Pillar of Christian Fellowship is. CCOB is a special and quite rare Church, where believers in Christ are taught to “walk the walk and talk the talk.” I suppose that there probably are a few good Ministries left that follow the word of God in a steadfast way, however, they are diminishing at a rapid rate.

Many other ministries and sects give into “post-modernism” teaching, which I feel are infecting the minds of new and seasoned believers maybe for monetary or personal gain. Not remembering, that this is why Jesus Christ turned over the merchants’ tables on Holy Temple Ground. Then I realized that access to a fellowship steadfast in the word of God could potentially give each of us an equal, or increased access to council in making important decisions, as King David had. Wow! There it is, seeking council from afar, and there it was, right under my nose. How Awesome Is Our God! (I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me) And Thank you God, for CCOB.

Marj Lancaster