June 14 - Sara

Hi, everyone! It’s Sara again. If you haven’t been following my story, I had a miscarriage in November in which, through the events that surrounded the loss, God was so close to our broken hearts and showed my husband and I what it meant to have that “peace that surpasses all understanding” (February 15th God Moment).

In the spring, I submitted another God Moment in which I talked about how one night in February I was crying out to God after only my second attempt to conceive again. I complained about a lot of things, but one of those things was that I’d have so much more anxiety about miscarrying again the longer it took me to get pregnant. When I finished, I mindlessly opened my Facebook, and the first thing I saw was a post from Proverbs31 Ministries that related to my situation perfectly. They concluded the post with this message, “When we question why God isn’t answering our prayers the way we think He should, we must hold tightly to the reality that God’s ways are not our ways. Our thoughts about current circumstances are not His thoughts on them. He sees the big picture when we only see what is in front of us. God is working behind the scenes in ways we cannot see.” So, I accepted that God was telling me to wait and trust Him (April 17th God Moment).

In the meantime, the thought kept coming into my head that I should see a reproductive specialist. We now believe this was the Holy Spirit talking to us. Normally, it’s not recommended to see a specialist at my age until you’ve been unsuccessfully trying to conceive for a year or if you’ve had 2-3 miscarriages. I didn’t fit into either of those two categories, so I wasn’t sure if anyone would even see me. Nonetheless, in March, I finally called, and they were willing to run some tests. Through the tests, I learned that I have blood clotting issues. My blood clots too much. I also have the MTHFR gene which affects the way my body processes folic acid. Although we can’t say that this definitely caused my first loss, it’s associated with a high risk of pregnancy loss at all stages. It also puts me at higher risk for blood clots and pre-eclampsia.

In my own understanding, I thought that getting pregnant quickly would ease my anxiety, but as was revealed through the Proverbs 31 post that night in February, God’s ways are not our ways. He knew that I would need more treatment (anti-coagulant injections) and extra monitoring when I get pregant again. I believe that He could completely heal me - nothing is impossible for our Great Physcian - but I think He is just choosing to reveal Himself through the situation so that I learn to trust Him more.

Once finished with all the testing, they scheduled us for an “Options” appointment in regards to fertility treatment. I prayed over this meeting for a week. I didn’t want to do anything outside of His will, and I asked Him to make it clear to us if we should pursue treatment at this time or wait. The morning of the appointment, we got a very early positive pregnancy test. Currently, I’m only 6 weeks into a high risk pregnancy. However, I had an early ultrasound the other day, and the baby measured perfectly, and his/her heartrate was good. Although I’m still a little anxious, we have become better at trusting God in this process. We know that even if this story doesn’t end the way that we want it to, that He will be there with us every step of the way.

Isaiah 55:8-9

Please keep us all in your prayers. Thank you!

(Sara went on to deliver a beautiful baby girl: addition by John Lundberg)

Marj Lancaster