May 29 - Cindy Mah

We had all our windows replaced in our house awhile back. All our windows were installed except for one small bathroom window. For some reason the order for that window always got messed up. I thought; why was this window so hard to get right?

After 8 months of waiting, the bathroom window finally came in and it was correct! An installer was dispatched to make the quick install.

When I spoke to the installer who was a young man, I found out that he was Christian. He shared that he sometimes had long drives to jobs. I suggest: "Why not listen to Christian radio station on those long rides?" He said he does listen to Christian messages so I told him about the Bridge Christian radio mobile app. He seemed grateful to know about the app and he was going to get it and listen.

In this instance the Lord allowed me to see the waiting period turned out to be a divine appointment to encourage another Christian to grow by listening to God's word via The Bridge App. But there are many times in life that God has us waiting and we won't know why or see the outcome or get results.

When we don't get the why while we are waiting, we need to know the who that is in control, God is all we need to know because He is the answer. He is enough.

While we wait on the Lord, it may seem like we are doing nothing. But it is during this time that our faith is being exercised, our character is being built. Waiting on the Lord is not what we get at the end but what we become.

"My soul wait silently on God alone, for my expectation is from Him" -Psalm 62.5

Marj Lancaster