May 30 - Bob Golisch

As the pandemic came upon us, when adult daycare programs ceased, my brother and I decided to split each week staying with our Mom of 90 years, at her lifelong home, a blessing. Working from home worked for us.

As an engineer/construction manager I’ve been blessed to have had a 45+ year career managing large transportation projects, start to finish. I’ve never considered retiring. Over the past decade, my participation helped my company to acquire two large projects; work began on each at separate times, and then both were paused for years mainly for government funding. In February 2021 a competitor and a former client began dialogue over next six months trying to get me to join them on one of the projects, always pressing for me to commit. By end August 2021 bids were received for the larger project and the pressure was on.

But God. Back on July 12, 2021 my morning devotion began: “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before” (Philippians 3:13). The tendency in coming to the end of years of service is to look back. Reflect on God’s blessings. And considering Solomon (Eccl. 7:10), that’s good, yes, but everything in the past is over. Then taking Paul’s advice, press forward for the prize of God’s calling. God knows. So for the next two months, ruminate on this I did.

On September 4, 2021, I replied: Thank you very much for considering me for a role on... I sincerely enjoyed our dialog, and very much appreciate your taking the time to share information. However, through the latter days of August our family encountered difficult situations which require more of my time in a caregiving role. Considering this effect, I have decided a position on the project is not the right fit for my career goals at this time.

No looking back. I have God’s peace. And God is blessing our time together. God values families.

Marj Lancaster