May 28 - Laly Zambrana

Having Lupus and all the goodies that comes with, I am in the ER a lot or admitted from time to time. It can be frustrating, frightening, worrisome, lonely... the list goes on.

BUT GOD... He has always left me His kisses to let me know He has never left me or forsaken me.

One of those trips to the ER I was taken for a CT Scan. I was placed in a waiting area where I asked the Lord “Where are you?” And not a minute later a brother from church walked by and saw me and before I knew it he was praying over me. (a kiss From God)

At another time while laying in the hospital bed waiting on results from tests that were done, praying and I looked up I saw a tiny picture of Jesus someone had pinned to the cork board in front of me. A kiss from God.

There have been many kisses from God in my life and each one has been my reminder that He is faithful in keeping His promises, reminding me I am never alone. For He will never ever ever leave my side.

Marj Lancaster