April 26 - Anonymous

God Moment: While walking in NYC, throughout the years I’ve come across many people asking for a few bucks, so I used to just reach in my pocket and say “here you go.” Then as I started to gain knowledge in the word of God, I realized that “Good will” isn’t nearly good enough. Knowing now, that our primary obligation is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ this has certainly led to numerous God moments for me.

It doesn’t take much intuition to see that many are hurting and hungry out there, enough to beg for a living. As my heart hurts when I see a Mom with a kid, or a disabled person, or a person with their pet and all their belongings on the curb of the sidewalk, I always say to myself anyone could be in that position in but a moment.

Now in recent years, when I reach in my pocket and give to someone, I am also now blessed with the opportunity to say, “This is given to you in the name of Jesus Christ” and the person's eyes light up (most of the time). It is an exceptional opportunity to communicate that The Father, The Lord Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit are awaiting your prayer to open the door to the love of God. You wouldn’t believe how many people think they need to go to a church and pray. Their eyes also light up when I tell them, God likes when you pray in secret, and you never need an appointment. I carry an extra bible in the car and hand it over if appropriate, numerous times I’ve seen the person grasp it with two hands, and say I never had a bible, and thank you! I say, don’t thank me, thank God for us meeting this way.

Jesus said it is better to give than to receive, and boy was he correct. I think there is no better Joy than when a person’s eyes light up when they are unexpectedly introduced to God on a busy NY street. Amen

Marj Lancaster