April 21 - Anonymous

We need to extend Mother’s Day until the end of the month. In Genesis, God says ‘let us make them in our image’, which coincides perfectly with the rest of the Bible symbolically, illustratively & actually. I suppose there are so many God moments it may take longer than a month. Celebrating Moms of every type is God's example and the highest expression of love from our creator to his children, of both men and women. I (A Man) know this well, because I was blessed with an amazing Mom who quickly took the reins after my Father passed away when I was 11.

Well, my world was turned upside down at that time, and when I thought back today at 59, and remembered how hard it was for her to raise 4 kids, with no career skills, or no business acumen, and a mortgage commitment, this woman was certainly blessed by God's wisdom. Although I could remember my Mom going to a nearby Catholic Church maybe just a few times in her life, her Mom however, my Grandmother, was extremely religious, and loved us very much, and prayed for everyone incessantly.

I was first introduced to the “Word of God" on the 1st week after my 18th birthday working on a tugboat in the middle of the ocean, a co-seaman named John managed to enlighten me on a few verses from the Bible. Among worldly naysayers, and rampant alcoholism at that time, he also managed to give me a mini-bible when we came ashore when our shift was ended. Well, it was extremely difficult to read the Old King James version, so I drifted away from “The Word of God”, but not God himself, always being a believer of our creator, his son The Lord Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit.

Later in life, about 6-7 years ago a friend gave me an ESV bible and I have been reading voraciously since. The ESV, or NKJ versions clearly teach the true essence of the word of God, and the huge enormity of Christ, in an understandable way.

I learned: In Proverbs Chapter 1, God refers to “Wisdom” as a “Her.” Church environments may sometimes overlook this very important blessing every woman has from the Lord, whether they are a Mother or not. I imagine it roots from women being excluded from the preaching only characteristics. I know because my Mom, not knowing God's word, was blessed with a sort of practical wisdom. I also learned amazing things, such as “God is Father to the Fatherless” which was a separate God moment, especially for me.

Today’s world can put so much emphasis on the negative spirits of depression, anxiety, etc, because the enemy is hard at work. So, hopefully we are steadfast in the word of God, and do not overlook the emphasis that should be placed on the positive spirits of Wisdom, Prudence, Intuition, Understanding, Righteous Council, and most of all, Love. This wisdom from God goes for all women and Moms, whether they have children are on this earth, or may have gone to the Lord earlier than expected. Yes, the word of God is alive, and exerts power in all things, and in numerous accounts of loving Mothers, Nurturing Women, Caretakers, and Guardians everywhere.

Marj Lancaster