April 20 - Dan Finney

Sometimes we have amazing things happen in our daily lives that defy statistics and probabilities yet we often assume are coincidences. I wonder how often they might rather be providential blessings or "God Moments". This week I had our Missionaries to the Philippines (Tony & Amber Reyes) on my mind and wanted to see if I could meet with them before they went back to PI.

After texting and calling Tony we had a tentative plan for lunch and he asked for my address. Before I could explain where my place is he stated "I know exactly where that is", which surprised me since I am at the end of a road in a secluded neighborhood. Then he said, "we are going a couple roads over from you in a little while for a dinner invitation". Next thing you know I am invited to join them so I can meet my neighbors that also attend CCOB that I never knew I had. So within a couple hours of contacting Tony we were enjoying a wonderful meal together in Christian Fellowship - not only with Tony & Amber, not only with my neighbors, but some other wonderful Christians who had been invited as well!

God had already made an appointment for fellowship as well as bringing us together with my CCOB neighbors. Coincidence? I think not... and it happens quite often - Praise be to God!

Marj Lancaster