March 28 - Anonymous

I was praying one night and felt a strong burden to pray for one of our missionaries. Pastor Lloyd had just prayed for him a few weeks earlier in service because he was returning to the mission field. I couldn’t remember his name so I asked the Lord what it was and the name came to me. His name was Mark. (Some might say that was coincidence but what followed clearly showed it wasn’t.)

I started to pray but what I was praying didn’t make sense to me. He had only been gone two or three weeks but what I was praying sounded like he was deeply homesick. I didn’t get it but continued anyway. This burden lasted for about a week, then subsided. A couple of weeks later it returned with the same overwhelming sense of homesickness so I prayed as I did before only this time added a request to show him the fruit of his labor there. Again, this lasted about a week, then subsided.

Months passed and as I was walking into church one Sunday morning I felt someone holding the door behind me. I turned around to see who it was and saw who I thought was Mark. (I’d only seen him once before from a distance). I didn’t say anything then as I wasn’t really sure it was him. Of course, later on I was kicking myself for not speaking up. Then midweek bible study gave me another chance. I was sitting in the front row, not really aware of who was sitting around me yet. After worship Pastor Lloyd instructed us to greet the people around us so I turned around and there Mark was with his hand extended. Startled, I flubbed a “welcome back” and took my seat. Forgive me Pastor Lloyd, but I didn’t hear a word you said throughout that bible study.

I was in the middle of a deep conversation with the Lord. I sensed that He wanted me to talk to Mark about what happened but I was scared. The Lord encouraged me and when the study was over, I turned to Mark and told him. He became quite emotional and explained to me that he was very homesick and had his bags packed, ready to come home. Then I asked him if something else happened a couple of weeks later as I was led to pray for him to see the fruit of his labor. At that, he couldn’t contain himself. He told me that again he had his bags packed but that some of his students came to see him and they received the Lord!!! This was clearly a huge encouragement for Mark to be blessed by the Lord this way. Actually, I thought encouraging him was what this was all about, and that would have been more than enough. However, afterward the Lord showed me that I had been blessed as well.

You see, He showed me that it truly was Him who I was hearing from. Up to then I prayed faithfully, but with some doubt that I was listening to the right voice. Now knowing that still, small voice is our Almighty God is life changing and I am so grateful. Praise Him!!!

Marj Lancaster