March 27 - Wendy Bodine

I had made an appointment to visit a dental specialist in Newark at 2pm today, but due to bad timing on my part, I ended up being about 40 minutes late. I was hoping they would still take me, but they said no. It took me well over an hour to get there, and I was frustrated. I asked GOD, what was the point of coming all the way out here on my only day off if I couldn't make my appointment? I know He has a reason for everything, but this seemed kind of pointless.

On my way into the building, I passed a homeless man on the street, seemingly asleep, with two signs asking for help and identifying him as a homeless veteran. I felt led to give him something, but I was late for my appointment, so I resolved myself to giving him something if I passed him again on my way out. Sure enough, there he was in the same spot as I made my way back to my car. I tried to slip some money into his bag so he wouldn't notice, but he did, and was so touched, he struggled to his feet and gave me a hug. He apologized for not being able to "pay it forward," then asked my name and if there was anything in my life he could pray for--he's a Christian! I told him I was a believer as well, and we chatted for a few minutes. I told him I would pray for him (his name is Steven, please keep him in your prayers). I'm now convinced the LORD used me to bless another believer who is in a rougher place than I'd ever been, not just financially, but spiritually as I share his story with you all and garner your prayers for him.

Marj Lancaster