November 1 - Anonymous Sinner

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11 esv). Our God, who created all things, is up front and personal through a unique love, that our earthly fathers, good, awesome, or not, could never match. I learned that this love translates into Fatherly guidance on everlasting supernatural gifts, and also into the everyday matters we pray about.

Now I loved my late Dad very dearly and very much. When I look back as a kid to the completely awesome times my dad and I had while going to the car races, the airport, shopping, or wherever, I was his sidekick stuck to him like Velcro. So now, after reading that God is Father to the fatherless in the Bible years after his passing, this blessing gave me a whole new hope of the "bigger picture."

However, for those who still share the earth with their natural parent/s, I hope that they do not underrate this blessing toward the opportunity of building a stronger relationship. In whatever capacity or level one's relationship is at, it's so key to make the attempt to grow closer (if possible). Why? Because, whether some or all have accepted Christ Jesus into their hearts, it can funnel down to the "face to face" relationship we have with them, which is hopefully borne of love. Now, in the spiritual sense, this is not the same with our Godly Father, although it's all about that relationship, but in this case, we can only get to really know God through the Bible, and our Father's overall Grace, combined.

This finally brings me to my God moment, which laughably has nothing to do with the above. But it has everything laughable about it when anyone is taught that God is a "religion." The God I now know is a loving Father, who cares for us and nurtures us to be better. I'm also equally joyed that the power of Christ has already forgiven us because that ransom was paid by pure love, and not due to any religious external appropriation. Neither tradition, nor vain works, or paid membership, nor false teaching, can begin to scratch the surface on any relationship built from external false religions. Our loving Father does not want us only to survive, but to thrive, according to "The plans God has for our welfare", and to do well in as many aspects of our lives as possible. So I pray, that as an adult, I can have a child's trust, and stick to my awesome Father (God) just like Velcro, with a blind trust in taking me wherever he wants me to go.

Marj Lancaster