June 22 - Adriana Limozinere

I came to know Christ at the age of 17. I was raised as a Catholic but I knew the 10 commandments and wondered why Catholic churches would have statutes/idols all around the church. The statutes and prayers to Mary just seemed like was going against what God instructed us to do. I knew Jesus was the way, the truth and the life, no one gets to the Father but thru Jesus. So why were we being taught that the way was thru Mary?

My 2 brothers were now born again believers, little did I know they were praying for me. I believe this ignited my desire & pursuit for truth. I began to research about the Catholic church and why they did certain things and unfortunately I did not find scriptures to back up many of their beliefs and rituals. At this time I was living with my parents, for several years I attended both the Catholic church (to appease them) and also a Christian church. During this time my parents would call in priests to come "deprogram" me and my father would put a crucifix over me to "drive the devil out of me", it was head on spiritual warfare!

Eventually I stopped going to the catholic church and my parents gave me an ultimatum: "be catholic or leave". So I left. My parents did not talk to me for a couple years, but mom kept in touch with me thru letters which were very disturbing calling me names and saying I was arrogant to ever think that I would be "right" in my theology as opposed to the Catholic church and my parents whom have followed catholicism faithfully all of their lives.

It was so heartbreaking because I loved my parents dearly and wanted to see them saved and to share in the joy of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. By the grace of God, I never became angry nor embittered against them, I only prayed for them, honored them & showed them kindness and eventually the Lord granted me favor in their eyes and He restored our relationship. At one point my mother was trying to listen to someone I was watching on TV that she enjoyed, but my father forbade her to watch anymore. They both remained Catholic until they passed away. In my father's last days however he requested that I read the Bible to him, I am not aware however if he ever got saved nor born again.

But it has been a tremendous journey walking with Christ for 40 yrs. He has taught me to love with unconditional love thru these years, thru a difficult marriage and then devastating divorce. Jesus has been with me every step of the way, I sense His love, His presence and experienced His faithfulness to me, I know He will never leave me nor forsake me and my prayer is that this broken life whatever's left will reflect Jesus and glorify Him.

Marj Lancaster