June 20 - Samuel Munoz Jr

Sharing God's story with my life!!! Grateful for His love, grace and mercy!

I was born and raised in NYC to Christian Parents who loved the Lord. I was a Preacher Kid serving in ministries and worship teams. There was a calling to ministry from God but I ignored it as a teenager. During my College years, I was hanging with the wrong crowd, got caught up into pornography, alcohol and the club scene. I was living a double life. Sundays at church and in the week living a life of sin.

I met my wife, the daughter of a deacon, at a Church where my band was performing at and we fell in Lust instead of Love. We married young in June 1985 and had many false expectations for our marriage. We argued a lot and became distant from each other. Our desire to have children also was an issue for us.

Fertility treatments were done for 5 years and finally our Daughter Elizabeth was born in April 1990, only to pass away a day later from a congenital birth defect. She was born without a diaphragm and could not breath outside the womb without a respirator for life. We were devastated. This drove me further away from God and deeper into my sins. I was a womanizer, without self-control, arrogant, angry, bitter, violent, a liar, prideful, a lover of money and self, uncompassionate, will drink alcohol to loosen my inhibitions to sin more and emotionally and mentally abusive to my wife.

Even though we were blessed with our Son Steven, our pride and joy in 1994, we still experienced the losses of our twin daughters Sarah & Alexandra in 1996, then Brianna in 1997 and finally Stephanie in 1998, all from miscarriages. Five daughters in total. I fell even deeper into my vices. I ran away from God. My life was spiraling out of control. My sins had infected my body, mind and soul. I started to have unexplained health concerns.

I was headed to an early grave but refused to acknowledge my need for Jesus.

On April 16, 1998 my Life hit the wall. My Dr. stated "I got good news and bad news, we found out what is going on with your health. You have full blown AIDS and have anywhere from 6 months to a year to live if the medications did not work."

I cried like a baby at the Drs. office and left contemplating suicide to hide my dirty secret from my wife, family and Church. The Devil was yelling in my ears to take my life but Jesus was whispering to me that He loved me.

At the hospital bed I repented and asked Jesus truly into my life. I needed His forgiveness, healing, love, grace, mercy and I felt the Holy Spirit move throughout my body. I pleaded to Jesus that He not allow my wife and then 4-year old Son to be infected with this virus and GOD did just that. They were never infected, AMEN!! That was a God moment!!

My wife and I never had an hour of counseling. I am not bashing counselors, but we had many conversations and issues to deal with and praise the Lord we were able to get through it. We celebrated this year 38 years of marriage and more in love than ever. Praise God!

Many challenges were faced. The stigma of AIDS, ignorance of family/friends and battling depression for many years. I lost my job due to the many health concerns I live with daily. Went through a bankruptcy, live with chronic pain and health concerns. So much more to say but through it ALL, it brought me closer to a true loving relationship with Jesus.

I'm excited to say that I celebrated this year 25 years of being in remission from AIDS. God has not allowed this disease to take my life. AIDS has become a blessing in disguise and not a death sentence.

I am grateful to Sr. Pastor Lloyd, over 15 years ago, for telling me that CCOB will be a safe place for me and my family to worship the Lord. Further grateful to God for the opportunity to minister to many as an Elder and leading our Pastoral Care Ministry here at Calvary Old Bridge, NJ.

One of my life application verses is found in Psalm 118:17-18: "I will not die but live and proclaim what the Lord has done. The Lord has chastened me severely; But He has not given me over to death." Prayer changes things!!

God is in the business of restoration!

All glory to God! AMEN!!!!!

Samuel Munoz Jr - Elder/Pastoral Care

Marj Lancaster