March 11 - Dan Finney
It has been such a blessing to go to the Calvary Baptism and Fellowship Events over the last several years to share in this newness of life within our body of believers. During my 30-year Military career, I had the privilege to fellowship in many great churches but was not able to experience these longer-term friendships and traditions to look forward to every year - so our Baptism Fellowships are already very special. However, something happened four years ago that makes every subsequent Baptism Fellowship even more special. I'll give you the short version that I get to relive in my mind at these events.
At 7 my youngest son Brian wanted to be baptized, but his non-Christian mother was adamantly opposed. After talking with Pastor Lloyd, praying, and talking with Brian, we decided to respect her wishes and wait till he was older and hopefully get her consent. The following year, Brian came to me as soon as he heard the announcement stating he really wanted to get baptised this time. Unfortunately, his mother was still adamantly opposed to the point of making threats if I were to allow him to get baptized by the "Pastor". Again, we decided we would wait, but I was very unsettled about it. Thankfully, by God's Grace, Brian was able to accept it, which helped me, although I was still crying out to God inside.
Then God provided a way when there seemed to be no way. While sitting on the lifeguard stand poolside (I guess no lifeguard that year) with Brian on my lap watching the baptismal procession, Brian looked at me and asked "Dad, can you baptize me?" There was no discussion, complaint, or talk about it up to that point, but there it was, a simple solution for an impossible situation. I said, "Yes, I absolutely can" and we slipped into the pool together right then and there.
Two years later, Brian wanted to be baptized again by Pastor Lloyd, and then to my complete surprise, he jumped in line without telling anyone to get baptized again this year by his Ignite Leaders. Wow! He knows he's saved and he knows he doesn't need to continue making public professions but what a triad of God Moments for us to cherish stemming from that answer to prayer, revealed through a child, and the priceless privilege I had as his father. Now I look forward to commemorating not only my own Baptismal experience when we have these events, but the wonderful testiments from Brian, my other saved children, and celebrating with others as they follow in that step of faith and obedience.