June 13 - Anonymous Sinner
"I Praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well." (Psalm 139.14). Today we all have an opportunity to praise God almighty, our divine Father who has deemed us worthy, if we've accepted our Lord Jesus Christ into our heart and have confessed it verbally. Moreover, we are already entitled to receive God's blessings because we are freed from the clutches of darkness and guided by The Holy Spirit into the realm of his beloved son, Our Lord Jesus Christ!
Now on the flipside? This implies that the devil has no authority to deprive us of our wellbeing. Regardless of any sins we've committed or colossal blunders we may have made, we are not excluded from the amazing gift of God's grace. My God moment pertains to just this, I was feeling undeserved in healing, and doubting myself at every corner I've turned. For me it was worldly pride, insensitivity, worry, self-reliance, personal gain, and a worldly mindset that would have sent me straight to hell. The funny thing is, all this while I thought "I had a good heart" and said I was a "good person" thinking it was good enough? It wasn't even close.
Well, after opening my Bible 7 years ago, and reading it cover to cover, I found that this way of life was very wrong, every bit of it. So my point is, even though I've made so many mistakes, there was no need to count myself out. That's what grace is for - it's for people who don't deserve it! Nothing we do can erase the completed work of Christ. As most of us believers know, Jesus Christ has flawlessly and entirely eradicated our sins with his sacrifice. Furthermore, Jesus taught us how to communicate with the heavenly realm, through building a personal relationship via the "Power of Prayer."
So, in closing, to those who may feel undeserving of healing due to years of worldly activities such as strife, unkindness to spouses & others, negative comments, boasting, consuming unhealthy foods, neglecting exercise, road rage, worrying, impatience, laziness, living off others hard work, virtue signaling, holier than thou attitudes, addiction, looking at the splinters in the eyes of those around us, and grace earned from works, etc, etc. Just know, Our Lord Jesus Christ has deemed us worthy to freely accept his healing, and you, me, us, can confidently say "YES" And "AMEN" to this God given promise through Christ our Lord.