January 15 - Anonymous Sinner
"For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved" (Romans: 10:9). If one has (truly) accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into their heart, and has confessed it verbally, technically we are saved. This is known as being justified in Christ, which is an amazing gift from our God that is called grace. In fact, some who are saved by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ can actually recite the date and place they gave their life to Christ. However, I feel left out because I cannot remember a specific event in time in which that happened. All I do remember quite vividly, is the process, and while writing this God moment enabled me to reflect upon it in a most joyful way.
Yes, I called it a process, but I'm completely wrong. A process is better defined as something more of a repetitive nature. But learning from knowledgeable, and accurate theologians at CCOB who teach & preach that this is actually called "Sanctification", and is a different journey for every believer, but this didn't sink in so fast. So I still choose the hard way in respect to many of life's decisions. However, our Lord Jesus Christ is there like clockwork picking me up every time after I fall completely on my face. Like a child, our amazing God corrects me through so many ways, it's innumerable. Reflecting on all this has also made me more aware of this new sanctification, that I used to think was an evil thing happening to me (sometimes).
So my God moment is to simply trust more in all the good things being taught and spoken that are biblically based. The curriculum that comes straight from the word of God has no substitute on earth, at all. Now, in terms of applying this new mindset? I'm finding it's not easy, at all. This is more akin to learning a new skill, which requires time and effort. This skill can be different than a revelation that God graces us with, meaning it may be more momentary in nature. Either way, it's important for me to know the differences between the two. Furthermore, this new sanctification thing will be absolutely useless if I don't share this relationship with an awesome Christ, to others.
Now the Bible speaks of "fruit" in a metaphoric way in many of the teachings. As an example, if I'm a fresh ripening fruit, but not sharing the deliciousness of God's word with others, I'll just rot, the worms will come, and I'll be mulch. Or? Am I sharing that delicious fruit with others, not only nourishing myself, but more importantly nourishing others simultaneously? In closing, God has a resourceful plan either way for that fruit, so I ask myself, within my capacities, what's it going to be? Nourish others? Or be mulch? But technically? We are saved either way because we serve an awesome, understanding, and Loving God!