September 29 - Pat B.

This may seem like a repeat of a previous God Moment from me and in a way it is which is why I wanted to share.

I was asking God in the past what my purpose was. Prior to coming to faith I was an atheist so I thought I was to reach out to non believers but that just didn't work out, meaning I was rejected every time. So God kept putting Men in front of me that were once believers but had fallen away for various reasons. This always happened at one of my job site I am involved with and I've written about that place before, sharing how it's a dirty water treatment plant that produces sludge. After the Lord put men in front of me to pray with and for, I realized that this is what he wants me to do for now at least. Over the last two years there have been 5 men all with stories that are remarkably similar. It may not seem like a lot but we really only get a few deliveries a month or a coworker comes for some training, so few people are ever here.

Today I was in my truck praying and asking the Lord my purpose again for many reasons I won't go into, but a bit later my coworker (one of the first Men who God put in front of me) and I had a delivery. The truck driver, Mike, made his delivery and my mouth opened up before I could even think. I asked him if he was a man of faith and if there was anything we could pray for. This is the God Moment, he said he was a believer but he's been struggling in that part of his life. Again, the same response from all of these men, consistent to the detail!!!

We prayed and Mike went back home to Virginia to be with his family for Christmas.

God works in such incredible yet strange ways. He will put something in your heart so quickly you don't even have time to think about it, he is just clearly telling you to do as I have commanded.

Thank you Lord for using me as a vessel today, Thank you for reaching Mike, thank you for the Sludge Ministry. And Thank you Jesus for the Love you put in my heart.

Marj Lancaster