August 9 - Anonymous Sinner

"But I say walk by the spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh (Galatians: 5:16)." As we know, God's laws are non-negotiable, while man's laws are always broken. For many years I was misled into thinking that worship meant going to weekly services and getting my "spiritual" fill until the next week. This only halted my growth in the knowledge of God's word like a skipping record not going anywhere. I realized later on that I may have "been" in the "spirit" for a short time, however, it only turned out to be a short spiritual "visit."

The word of God frequently says to "Walk by the Spirit", which is God's law. Unlike man's laws of speeding, etc, which are broken all the time, God's laws can never be broken, such as gravity, ocean tidal times that can be predicted 1k years into the future, and to every part of the Bible's laws as well. Yes, this is my learning God moment, that when I'm walking in the "flesh" even though I'm saved, the Holy Spirit won't operate in a fleshly environment because I'm trying to negotiate a "non-negotiable" Law. Can I change gravity? Can I alter 1 second of the tidal time? Of course not. Then realizing, why am I trying to alter God's law by thinking in the flesh, and not walking by the spirit?

I'm finding, although I could be wrong, that God is "pro-free-will-choice" in this respect, meaning, "that it is our choice to either "walk in the spirit" or not? Even though we are saved, that verse in Psalm now suddenly jumps out loud and clear, "To meditate on the Lord Day and Night." One way I'm working on is not to "let my emotions dictate my theology" when discussing the Bible to other sects and groups who may know Christ but are walking in the flesh just like me. However, just being conscious of these things is changing the way I think, 180 degrees differently, and hopefully in a better direction, in harmony with God's law. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with our spirit.

Marj Lancaster