August 7 - Anonymous

Not so much a GOD moment, but an exhortation to the Body of Christ to stay in His Word EVERY DAY. And to make that special time for just you and Him, no matter how brief it may be. He longs for time you, and He knows how busy you are, but really, not matter how good things seem to be going, seeking His Kingdom and His Face each day should take precedence over all.

I've noticed recently how my lack of devotion has impacted me. Sure, things are going well on the outside. I'm getting a lot done, the bills are getting paid, the health is OK, the sheep are in the pen and the cattle are in the stalls. But inside, I can see the difference staying away from that special, sacred time with Him has made in *me*. I've noticed the "Old Me" rearing its ugly head again--jealousy, bitterness, self-pity, being judgmental and critical of others, selfishness, and too many other negative things to mention.

I've been reading in the Old Testament book of Judges, so many times Israel had to be rescued by the LORD when they turned from Him to serve the gods of other lands, and as soon as things were good again, they fell right back into their old habits. I used to judge them as well, until the LORD held up the mirror of His word to me, and I saw myself in those ancient people--who had SEEN the LORD's miracles and provision, who had eaten the manna from heaven, who walked by His pillar of fire by night and his pillar of cloud by day, who experienced His deliverance firsthand--and STILL, they turned to the gods of the nations they had conquered! Of course, I'm not bowing down to little images or praying to false deities, but I have set up idols in my heart before the LORD--the idols of Self-Indulgence, Comfort, Convenience, Entertainment, People-Pleasing, and my favorite Deadly Sin, Sloth--I can't bring myself to get up early just to have time with the LORD; I wake up and jump right into the day without giving Him His rightful due of the firstfruits of my day.

Saints, don't follow me! Follow Christ! Keep your eyes on Him, no matter what your circumstances or feelings--those will change like the seasons, but He is steadfast and faithful no matter what. Grab a hold of the hem of His robe and don't let go.

Marj Lancaster