May 9 - Cindy Mah

Ninja Grandma

The Lord blessed our family at Thanksgiving last year: My daughter's and her husband's baby dumpling was born. How amazing to get to witness the wonder and miracle of life again!

At the hospital where the baby was born, there were some rigid post Covid restrictions in place. They only allowed 1 person to visit the mom and baby per day. They did not allow anyone to switch in, no taking turns per visitation. When my husband Henry and I went to visit, my daughter asked that Henry be the one to see the baby so they can surprise him and tell him the baby's middle name would be Henry.

After Henry went upstairs, as I waited downstairs in the lobby, I started praying, "Lord please enable me to see my newborn grandson, when I go upstairs would the nurse look the other way and allow me to go to Joelle's room?" God granted me that request!!

When my daughter and her husband saw me, they were shocked. "How did you get in here with the tight security?" Hey, I am willing to go to jail for my grandson" was my reply. I held my newborn grandson and took a photo with Henry, then left quickly. I didn't want to take advantage of God's grace hehe. I was called Ninja Grandma by them for slipping through security, but I am not just any Ninja; I am a praying Jesus Ninja grandma. LOL

When I hold my grandson, and look into his beautiful adorable face I see and feel eternity. God made us eternal souls.

"He (God) has planted eternity in the human heart" Eccl 3:11

We all have a God shape vacuum in our hearts that only He can fill. We tend to go after things in life to fill that emptiness. Temporary frills and thrills in life can only satisfy temporarily but can never satisfy the eternal void in our hearts. We were meant for something more and greater and that is to know the eternal God. We will never know who we truly are and our eternal significance until we know who God is.

We cannot know the TRUE God until we read the Bible. Without reading the Bible, we will only know a God that we make in our own image. In the Bible Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life no one can come to the Father except through me."

If we do not know Jesus who is the truth, we fall for lies. God's timeless spiritual truths do not change according to cultural moral trends. The Bible is God's manual/game plan for our lives. Science can explain how some things work but the Bible answers the whys in life.

God made us in His image, when we don't know Him, in our fallen nature we will live self-centered lives where our desires rule us, fear and worries control us. But Jesus came to save us from ourselves. We don't have to live by our will power but Jesus' divine power.

God hard wired us to have purpose and hope, it gives us meaning in life. What we hope for shapes who we are and how we live our lives. If we put our hopes in temporary things in life like money, accomplishments or people, our hopes will fade and change along with them.

Jesus is our unchanging, unshakable living hope. Only He can quench our need to be forgiven, satisfy our deepest longings, gratify our spiritual hunger. Only He is able to fulfill the eternal hope in our hearts.

The Covid virus brought death and suffering in the forefront of our minds and magnified how life is all too short and fragile. I lost my father and my husband lost his brother. Mortality spurs me on to re-fire for God's kingdom work that endures for all eternity.

"Do not work for the food that perishes but for food that endures to eternal life..." John 6.27

Marj Lancaster