May 10 - Anonymous

I was in the army in the early nineties, first time away from home. I was asked out of nowhere to take a promotional exam, my first step towards Sgt. I had no desire at the time but for the next few months I studied and prayed about it.

Slowly I started to want to be promoted; I never really thought anything of it before. I was excited, went in and thought I did really well. I got a call later and was told I didn’t make it. I was so disappointed. I studied and really tried. I called my Dad back home and he reminded me about Job and everything he went through.

After talking to Dad I found a quiet place to be alone and prayed believing I tried my best and prayed. I just said to The Lord please help me to let this go, I thank you and your will be done Lord. Like 15 minutes later I get a phone call from my Sgt. They made a mistake. You passed. That was a day I’ll never forget, God is so good!!!!

Marj Lancaster