April 6 - Anonymous

I was working in a convenience store on the night shift around 2am. A man came into the store. He ordered me into the back of the store, raped me and began strangling me. I was weak and attempted to pull his hands away but unsuccessful. I closed my eyes and asked God to help me. Although I had been a Catholic and a believer I was not living a life even close to Jesus! I promised God if I lived I would change the way I was living.

The next thing I remember I was in my car, he was driving. I was naked and I told him how important life was to me and asked him to take the car and just let me out. With the help of God, he did. I was in the streets of Edison naked and afraid. I ran to the first doorbell I found and because the Lord was with me, a woman invited me into her home and called the police and my family.

That was 1980. I wish I could say I kept that promise to God, but I didn't. I made some changes but not enough. Over the next 40 years or so I very poorly searched for a place of worship. I went to several different Catholic churches and Baptist churches and just wasn't finding what I felt I was looking for. One day I was talking to my coworker and she recommended Cavalry Chapel Old Bridge. I went for the first time in July of 2020 and have been going ever since.

I have always for as long as I remember believed that Jesus Christ is my Savior, but I never until now felt as if I had a relationship with Him nor have I ever read the Bible with the desire to "know the Lord." With heartfelt thanks to CCOB and especially Pastor Lloyd, I am learning and growing every day. By the way, I am 68 years old, so don't even say "I'm too old."

Marj Lancaster